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Coral Vue Hydros

refugium's who really needs them?


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I know basicly what refug's do , but I was wondering in what type of setup ( besides having dragonets would someone really need one?

Also has anyone heard anything good about those hang on aquafuge's?

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actually i think they're good for just about every type of tank/inhabitants. one of the main things our systems lack (besides sunlight) is a true spectrum of planktonic foods imo. that's where one aspect of refugiums come in, as plankton generators/spawning grounds.


every coral i can think of could at least benefit from plankton feedings as a supplemental food source or primary food source.(debate on xenias and such tho).


i hope the hob refugiums are good. i have a aquafuge i'm going to try on my next 15H tank.

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What size aquafuge did ya get?

I am pretty sure i'm gonna get one myself.

Now, what is best way to set that fuge up, as for LR/algea etc.. hehe.



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i bought the smallest (12"), originally for my 5g. X) never used the hob fuges so i don't have any opinions on it yet, sorry.


i planned to use the aquafuge in reverse flow tho. (i'll post a pic when it's finally up) the middle will probably be typical tho, sandbed and macroalgae.


i wanted to pick a couple of brains on the rest of this tank tho. i want to try a different substrate on this one.

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You don't really NEED a fuge. Just like you really don't need additives for corals... or need phyto for clams. But it helps... You not only get adult 'pods, but babies enter the tank as zooplanton and macro algae will release spores (phytoplankton). -Two of the less known uses of the fuge. I have a 2.5 gallon fuge on my 12 gallon tank. I didn't build it cause I needed it. Honestly, I built it just so I could watch the pods crawl around ???

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I have the small aquafuge on my 7 gallon bow and I love it. Is it a necessity? Nope. It does add 2 1/2 more gallons of water to the system and it does allow for the smaller critters to live in peace until they are stupid enough to get caught in the flow and end up in the main tank. If you have the money and the room, add it. They look nice (although mine has some serious algae issues in the third chamber) and they can be beneficial and, if nothing else, they allow you to grow macro algae like mad.

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If i remember correctly those hob fuges are expensive. I made a 7 g behind the tank(supports it on weight b/c thats alot of weight couldnt hang on my 10 g) for about 40-50 bucks. Basically i sepearate the motor compatment from an aquaclear mini as well as the spill over spout thing then i got 1/4 in plexi glass and made a tank as high as the mini would sit above the tank. Then i cut space for the motor to pump into the fuge and then one for the spill over back into th tank and glued them in place. Basically its a aquaclear mini with a 7 g filter chamber. Its been running great for about 7 months now. The reason i did this was that i did not feel comfortable plubing stuff around my tank, although i'm good at making stuff i dont know all about the overflow and pump rate stuff so i thought this up and tried it. Probably the biggest reason i liked trhis is if the power goes out and you keep the water level right where the plastic on the top of the tank meets the glass there are no worries about it overflowing only about .25-.5 in of water syphon back in to tank.


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I just used a seperate tank... You are def right, those HOB deals are wicked expensive!! I paid like $20 for the tank, $10 for sand, $15 for the LR and macro, $5 for a U-tube, and $20 for the lights (I used an already existing PH for water flow). IMO that is really cheap (especially comaired to a HOB unit).

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Refugiums make a nice change from the brightness of an SPS tank. You can sit and look at them for longer as there is less strain on the eyes. Apart from the other reasons people have mentioned, it also adds a little more water volume, can help stabilize pH and gives you somewhere to put that hyper-expensive Miracle Mud :) BTW Try not to use Caulerpa species if possible. There are better macro algae options out there.

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