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Sea Slug? Giant Flat worm?


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what is this thing? I saw it in my tank right as I was about to go to sleep. So i grabbed my crappy point and shoot camera and got these pics. Can anyone ID this? I hope it isnt some giant flatworm. It doesnt move like any flatworm I've seen. When I turned the lights on, It shriveled up to about a size of a quarter and then slithered away towards the back of the tank. This thing was like 3 inches long. Also I thought it might be a Stomatella but I didnt see any shell like thing on the back. This was surrounding in a milk colored mucus but i think it was part of the thing.


Here are the pics:





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a flatworm thats 3 inches long??? I doesnt move like any flatworm i've seen. It slithers like a slug does. Im thinking a juvenile nudi but i wish someone could post pics similar to the thing im looking at.

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Until you have a clearer pic and a positive ID, I would quarantine it but not destroy it. You may have a good creature there but honestly it is hard to tell by the pics.

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I wish i could find it again. I've been looking for it since that night and havent seen it again. How would I go about taking it out of the tank without any harm to it or myself. I dont really want to just touch it to remove it. Any ideas on how to take it out would be appreciated.

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Hey "Fly" Long time no see!!

The shrooms ever perk back up?

Check out my new corals in the photo section. Got some hard to find stuff today!!!!!!!!

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It's a flatworm- Psuedoceros sp. I used to know the species name, but can't seem to find it now. Someone IDed the one we had a couple of years ago. It was 2"-3", flat and thin with a leopard spotted pattern.

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I'd go with cucumber. That pic doesn't look flat and thin. Looks like a tiger tail/sand sifting cucumber. Pretty beneficial. Does it look like this?: CUC21.jpg


If it is, it's pretty beneficial, provided nothing picks on it. The risk with cucumbers is something picking on them a lot, and them releasing their toxins and killing everything in the tank, including themselves. This rarely happens though, but if you want to read about some search for cuke nuke.



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thanks for the reply, thebrian. No it doesnt look like that. I went to the LFS that i bought the rocks from and asked the owner and showed him this thread with the pics. He says he sees them all the time in this rock curing tank as well as all his display tanks. He says that its a type of nubi branch from tonga. His store only sells tonga rock. He's pretty reputable and i trust what he says. He says that he has seen it on rock and coral and has never seen any ill effect from leaving it in the tank.


He wants a better picture of it as well so he can post it up on his wall o' pictures. lol I told him if I can ever take it out of the tank I would swing by his store and let him take a picture of it. Plus it would be good to put that picture up on nano-reef for everyone to see.


Let me tell u about the lfs owner. His name is Dr. Bao Le and his store is aquatic gallery here in milpitas, california. He's never stirred me wrong so if anyone wants to check out his store, then let me know, i'll get u the address. It dedicated to saltwater only and specializes in reef tanks rather than FO tanks. Its probably the best store i've seen in the bay area. I think its better than aquarium concepts and tropical paradise. But thats my opinion. Well, thats enough advertising for me. lol I'll try to post a better pic when I can. thanks for everyone's help

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