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Stocking my 20 Long


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Well, i'm finally ready to stock my 20 long.The tank is a30" long. The spec's of the tank are , 35lbs of LS, about 18lbs of Live Rock, protien skimmer, and a rio 200 powerhead (will be adding one more in a week). As for lighting, i have a 65X2 PC by JBJ lighting. Currently i have a small stone with yellow polyp's for coral's, and mushroom's growing on the LR. For a cleanup crew, there are 5 turbo snail's, and about 8 blue legged crab's (although i only see 4 of them).


Now, this being a 20 long, there is alot more swimming and surface than a regular 20, so this is what i plan to keep. No, not going to get it all in 1 day, but just what i would like . :)


1 tank raised perc clown, ok, maybe 2 ;)

1 Flame dwarf angel,

1 cleaner shrimp,

and MAYBE a goby or a blenny for the bottom.



seem too much ??? . Any suggestion's and flaming welcome :)

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I have a 20g as well, although mine is regular. Ive had, at one point, 5 different fish in my tank at once. Keep in mind that I also had a CPR 2r bakpak, an aquaclear 150 w/ carbon, 3'' live sand, and 35-40 lbs fiji live rock as well. Although my water was always good quality, it required a lot of equipment and really wasn't practical nor economical if I also wanted to add more corals and other inverts such as shrimps. Eventually I decided to move all but one of the fish to a bigger tank in order to keep my water quality immaculate. You could even add a bit more liverock if it suits you? Only because it could be more aesthetically pleasing as well as beneficial for biological filtration. Post some pics when you get the chance. Good Luck!

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My only suggestion might be to skip the flame angel. They like their room and don't mind fighting with the other fish. If you have one in a 20L as well as two percula's, they might have a tough time getting along. I have a coral beuty in a 55 gallon along with a pair of sebae clowns and a damsel. It took a while for them to stop fighting and they now spend their time on opposite ends of the tank.



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or instead of a cherub angel, you could try a coral beauty, although they can be a bit mean also, as mine was in my 20, but he stopped after a day or so. Coral Beauty's really live up to their name.



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That's what I was thinking a Coral Beauty there much hardier and easy to care for than flame angels and a alittle more reef friendly in my opinion. Other an that I think you r tank would be fine with these 3 fish, I would possible look into getting a variety of inverts shrimps, sea stars, and definatly some more clean-up guys you can never have enough snails and hermits, being the season I recomend the Halloween hermit crabs the are reef safe and really neat. I got a dozen last week for my propagation tank and they are doing a great job.

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Thank's guys. I went and got myself a tank raised perc clown this weekend. Store guy insist's its a perc (didnt go to the one i always go to ), but look's more like a orci clown to me. I'll be giving it a pair this week and will be adding a cleaner shrimp sometime next week. Its going to remain this way for the next 4 month's since i will be out for a while in the middle. So after that, i will be probably giving away one clown and getting a coral beauty (since that's what u guys' say are better :) ), and a watchman goby. That should do it :)


On a side note, i get my 2X65W PC today :D

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I have a coral beauty in my 20 high which lives with a perc and a small hippo tang. Everything works out fine eventhough I probably lucked out and got a "good" coral beauty. Ive heard bad stories about them though they are still very pretty.

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