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Innovative Marine Aquariums

Mystery snails... pictures


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I have these tiny snails multiplying all over my tank. At first they made me nervous, but I guess they're alright so far? Has anyone seen anything like this? They're pretty quick, and they go after pieces of food that sink to the bottom of the tank. They use their long trunk like an elephant, sniffing the water for the food. They actually steal pieces of shrimp from my polyps sometimes.

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They look like Stomatella snails, but with my stomatellas, the bit of shell they carry on their backs is variegated, and yours all look the same. Maybe same genus different species? They do multiply but sometimes zebra hermits eat them and that helps keep numbers down.


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Guest AbSoluTc

They are peppermint snails. Good addition.



If you want to get rid of some, let me know. I will trade you for some spagetti macro if your intrested. God knows what kind of critters you will get with it :) Lots of pods and wormies.

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Cool, thanks for the ID. Some folks on RC said they're peppermint snails too. I used to kill them because I thought they were baddies :blush: whoops.


I'm gonna let their numbers come back some, and then think about trading them...

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So that's what those things are, thanks for the ID Abs. I've seen a few of these things cruising around, but mine look much tinier. I've only noticed them recently so they probably HH'ed in and haven't grown yet.

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