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Innovative Marine Aquariums

strange things on live rock


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I got a pretty nice live rock with lots of the good type of macro algae on it, but also a couple other strange things.


I imagine this is some type of macro, but never seen a picture that resembles it. Any ideas on what it is, and good/bad? This cluster is about the size of a quarter. The base is white, and just the very tip is hairy.



Also is this pineapple looking thingy. Its hard to see, they all blend in with the rock, and then have what looks like a tiny "crown" with hair sticking up. These are smaller than a dime.



Found this guy just now. It's some type of worm, that is dark brown/black, with yellow stripes. It stuck its head out and a good centimeter of its body and then opened up what looks like some feathers (kinda like a feather duster, but didn't look nearly as nice) but used them to scrape stuff off the rock a couple of times and then went back into its small cave for good. So it didn't have the basic jerky movement of its feather back into its hole like my other feather dusters do. Plus I've never seen a feather duster worm move around like that.


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YUP, peanut worm! thats gota be what it is. Wow, I've seen pics of these before and I thought they were alot larger. How big do these guys get?


Also, on that website you referenced, I see something called Leucilla, that "could" be what that pineapple looking thingy is. Not so sure though. Mine looks much more like an underwater pineapple than the ones in the pic.



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your pineapple looking thing is a leucilla or q-tip sponge/pineapple sponge, and they are harmless filter feeders.


there was an id recently about the macro you have growing on your rocks. you should be able to do a search on here, maryhmwas the one to id it as Neomeris annulata, and here is a page that was in her reply as well. http://www.saltcorner.com/sections/guest/a...e/Nannulata.htm


also i say peanut worm :)

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