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Innovative Marine Aquariums

Suggestions Needed Please :)

Guest AbSoluTc

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Guest AbSoluTc

I am in the process of starting a reef lighting business for NANOS only and need to find a name! Something pizzazy, futuristic, professional.. whatever. I am just stumped.


Here is the catch - If somone on here comes up with a name I use, I will give you a choice of some frags or a $25.00 credit towards a lighting purchase. In addition to this, I will make a donation to NR.com as well to show my support.


So, if Chris does not have a problem with this post - Please, give me some ideas! :) I will be featuring new lighting technology and current lighting technology. I will give more nfo once I am sure everything is on the go.


Thanks for your time!


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I have just one quick question, how did AbsolutC get back here, wasnt he banned????after that infamous party??


Other wise I like Absolutly nano lighting


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Guest AbSoluTc

- mini reef lights


- Lighting NT


Got some nice ideas brewing! Love them all, specially Lighting NT. I would be curious about legal issues with that. Then again, Microsoft can't have everything! Little cry babies!

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lol soon ur gonna be saying bill who? after your busniess blows through the roof! all thanks to the nano reef.com community lol rember we are here and i only live about an hour form u lol im in fredericksburg ps if u ever wanna sell any frags tell me im open haha now instaed of mcdonalds saying would you like fries with that when u sell frags u can say would you like lights with that lol im so stupid,Chris

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TTL, Inc.

(tiny tank lighting)



(you know, little sun fer yer little tank)



(er, lights a on... lights a off Daniel-son)



(bright light, little tank)



(I wish I may, I wish I might......) (wait, was that a porn star in the 70's? )


Somebody stop me... arrrrrgh, my head is reeling, I got a million more but will spare ya all... well unless you want MORE, I got a committee in my head, must be med time,hehehehe

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PicoPC's 'N More...

(light that will fry your corneas for your dixie cup sized reefs)


I'll light it, you figure out how to cool it DOT com

(MH's on little glass boxes, can you say chiller dude?)



(only slightly enlightened,hehe... hey that could be another name)


OH gawd, thanks for the thread dude, now I can't sleep tonite... I need a life *whimper*

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ooh oooh ooooh




(that's the one baby!.... hmm do I want the coupon for the lights for my new 'fuge or the frags... lights, frags, lights..... OH NOW I REALLY CAN'T SLEEP!......lol)


glazer will now refrain from posting anymore names.... I think I pulled something

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You might not want to ignore the planted tank people. Sure, they don't need as much lighting as reef types, but there are some who'd definitely be interested. Most of 'em use 6500k, around 2-3wpg.


MicroLights or MicroLight Technologies

...(since "nano" is less common in the planted tank community)

Enlightened Tanks...to pick up on glazer's comment


A few product ideas:

- retro kits for every Eclipse hood made

- 6500k bulbs with mogul bases

- "sub-assemblies" of retro kits

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Lights N' ###### (www.lightsn######.com)


Great Set of Headlights (www.GSH.com)


Nanolux (www.nanolux.com)


M3GHMLTY300G (My 3 gallon has more light than your 300gallon)


Pico Pulsar (www.picopulsar.com)


Holy ###### That's Bright (www.hstb.com)


Bright Ass Lights (www.bal.com)


White Dwarf Lighting (white dwarfs being small suns) (www.whitedwarflighting.com)


AbSoluT Lighting (not the vodka)

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Originally posted by Bocephous

Lights N' ###### (www.lightsn######.com)


Now that's entertainment. Too funny.


Howzabout LIGHTSPEED - Light ship'd at the speed of light


BRIGHT IDEAS - now there's one


AQUARIUM LIGHTING STORE - for the search engine shopper


DIMBULBS.com - not really marketing material







6 suggestions and the brain runs dry. . .

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If you want your lights to stand out from the rest of the market, you have to think about what makes your lights better than the other brands, and find a name that projects that image. If you want to project quality, reliability, and professionalism then go with something like..

-Aquatic Lighting Solutions

-Sea Light Systems

-Advanced Sea Lights

Dont choose a name that automatically limits your market to only mini reef systems (i.e. picoreef lights.) Even though that may be the case, you want to attract the entire market not just nano-reefers. Good Luck ;)

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Alot a wattage


I have seen the light


Lighting and such




touch my light stick


touch my light saber


long flourescent shafts for your pleasure




night light (wait)


sealighting inc.




under the hood, lighting


aahhhh...don't shine that ****in' thing in my eye


is that a light stick in your pocket or are you happy to see me


lighting extended








masturful lighting


light saver


a whole lotta light, a whole lotta *****es


lights, porno, and old spice, we got everthing

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you really can have any name you want with a sub phrase underneath that describes your business better:



"specializing in nano light systems"

"if they don't blind yah, you get your money back"

"lighting engineers for your nano"

"you want light we got answers"

"nano lighting for 113 years"


all these catch phrases might substitute a name that needs a little more explanation.

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illuminate the compitition


UTL-lighting(under the hood)-i like

A+ lighting

abc lighting

your light source

BRIGHT SOLUTIONS (lighting for your nano system)

bright technoligies

nano-nano lights


big titty asian girl, running---nano lights


also all names can easily coexist with nano or micro willingly.

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