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Top Shelf Aquatics

some info please


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it could be a sign you have some phospahtes but nothing to worry about. If you want to get rid of it add a larger cleanup crew or turn the chamber in the back of your nano cube into a fuge.

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how old is the tank?


it could be a sign that your tank is new and that it is just going through the normal algae phase that new tanks go through.

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well. it started when i noticed there are some feather suters are start to showing up on the rocks, i dont know how but anyway, i went to the local pet store and he gave me DT'S live, and after i have been using them the green algea start growing. Is it because the DT'S . and what is the best thing to feed the feather dusters?

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he gave me DT'S live


that'll grow alga pretty good if you dont have corals or clams to eat it. IMO you dont need to dose it until your tank is more stocked. As well your tank is just out of cycle so expect to have this little alga bloom for a bit.

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