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Martin Moe: Live Chat in #reefs on October 20, 2002!


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Reefs.org is very pleased to announce that famed author and marine fish breeder Martin Moe will be presenting a live chat this Sunday (October 20th, 2002) @ 8:00 EST in #reefs. The topic will be Orchid Dottybacks (the PERFECT Nano fish if there ever was one). Here is your chance to interact live with one of the great contributors to our marine aquarium hobby.


Martin Moe is a marine biologist and acclaimed marine hobbyist and fish breeder. He has pioneered the field of marine fish breeding, having been the first to commercially breed Indopacific clownfish and gobies, as well as Atlantic angelfishes. In 1972, Martin established the first marine ornamental fish commercial hatchery: Aqualife Research Corporation.


Martin is also a noted author, with famous works including Breeding the Orchid Dottyback and the best selling Marine Aquarium Handbook. He has spoken at numerous local, national, and international conventions.


Anyone wishing to participate in in the chat can access it via #reefs IRC. Instructions on how to log on and create a name can be found at: http://www.reefs.org/access/index.html


As if Martin Moe speaking live isn't incentive enough, there will also be a door prize offered as is customary for all Reefs.org's live chat.


The winner will receive a copy of Martin Moe's Breeding the Orchid Dottyback, Pseudochromis Fridmani: An Aquarist's Journal by none other then Martin A. Moe Jr. himself, as well as a $25 gift certificate at Coral Reef Aquarium. Both door prizes have been graciously donated by Reefs.org’s sponsor: Coral Reef Aquarium.


As always, this talk is free to the public. Everyone is welcomed to attend!



Reefs.org Staff



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I'm confused. Are you implying reefkeepers shouldn't/wouldn't care about what Martin Moe has to say? He's a pretty big and respected name in our circle. I think we can all benefit from his experiences.

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I hope you realize Martin Moe's first book, Marine Aquarium Handbook, has sold well over a quarter million copies. And Mr. Moe is a staple at every major convention, national and international (e.g. MACNA). Apparently, hobbyist care. Whether you do or not is your opinion to hold, but I am confident the reefkeeping community does indeed care what Martin Moe has to say.


Perhaps you haven't been in the hobby long enough to know who the big contributers to modern marine husbandry. As a veteran of 15 years, I can assure you Martin Moe commands as much respect as the other big names (e.g. Sprung, Delbeek, Shimek).


To speak so deragotory about someone who has contributed so much to the advancement of captive bred marine fish is irreverent and unappreciative.

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Yo, Djm -- you're showing you're just plain ignorant. Martin Moe has been doing reefs LONGER THAN YOU HAVE BEEN ALIVE. So yeah, a lot of people doing reef stuff would be interested.


...the post this replied to was deleted....

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i don't know what the comment was but i would agree with len's assessment of moe's peers. (you forgot goemans and thiel, i know they're OG but you included shimek, :P jk)


these young pups just aren't old enough. remember some of these whipper-snappers don't even know what 33 or 45 means in music lingo. :

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actually i almost joined last summer but i didn't have dsl and cable then like i have now. now i'm the master of all that i survey (on the internet at least :blush: ).


it's the amount of posts. i've been trying to cut down lately. but a lot of it came from that evil word association thread! now they started another one! :


i'm NOT a post whore! i'm just not as picky as i should be. :blush:

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Heh. Tinyreef, da boy changed his 1st post and deleted his second one -- which was the one that got him the flambe treatment.


Smart to delete it before Dave saw it. ;)

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For those who missed it:


The transcipt of Martin Moe's presentation and Q&A session in #reefs are now uploaded to Reefs.org's library. Our thanks to Mr. Moe for his wonderful live chat!


Breeding the Orchid Dottyback (and Other Marine Fish)


By Martin Moe

Sunday, October 20th, 2002




Reefs.org Staff


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