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Cultivated Reef

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lol...I've had my 2 gallon hex nano set up since the beginning of December, and my cycle appears to have finished (0 ammonia, 0 nitrite, 0 nitrate). There's a serious algea issue...but I know that is common in a new tank...plus the lights get left on too long...lol At any rate...I put a few snails in to help with the algea...they're helping...a tiny bit...the sand bed around the very edges of the tank is clean...lol But anyway...I was looking for the snails when I noticed that I have 2 tiny featherdusters!!!! (or at least what appear to be featherdusters) They must have been in my live rock, but I didn't know they were there AT ALL until today when I saw one, and then looking around saw the other! They're so cute! :)

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Well I've got 4 snails now 3 different kinds, and I think I have a tiny blue-leg hermit crab in there somewhere...but I'm not sure... I had 2, but I bought them while the tank was cycling...I just needed something in there! I know 1 of them died...I think the other is still alive though...although he's too small to do anything to the algea...lol

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Well if you got it just after Christmas it might not be up long enough yet to have an algea bloom...As far as redleg hermits...they're a little bigger than I want in there...the only small hermits the lfs has are the blue-legs...all the rest are fairly large.

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Oh also..as far as I'm aware the type of tank shouldn't have anything to do with whether an algea bloom occurs or not...it will happen if there are high nutrient levels in the water, nothing is controling it, and the lights are on too long. If I'm wrong someone please correct me! I just added the snails yesterday and am going to leave the lights on for less hours. Quick question about the dusters...they don't need high levels of light do they?...one of the little guys that appeared is in the back of the tank where very little light gets to it (there's also no algea back there......lol). Would it be very detrimental to the tank to leave the lights off most the time until some of the algea is controlled (there are no corals or anything...just the snails, possibly a hermit, and the dusters)?

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Originally posted by StinaUIUC

Quick question about the dusters...they don't need high levels of light do they?...


Feather dusters dont require any light per say... only the food they 'catch' may require light to survive/propagate.


Typically you would need a bit of circulation around them so as to push food their way if you know what i mean.

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They are in pretty high flow places, enough that they sway a bit. I actually found a third one too!! :) They really are so adorable they're so tiny!

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Ok...so now there are at LEAST 6 of the little guys!! This is just nuts! They are popping up everywhere! Has anyone else had this happen??...


btw...I just bought myself the first "real" (non hitch-hiker, hermit crab, or snail) inhabitant for the tank...an anemone crab! :) He (or she...) is SO ADORABLE!!!!!

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