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Innovative Marine Aquariums

anyone have any lionfish?


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I am glad you researched this because many don't, as long as it is one of the more docile triggers you will be fine with the combo. I take it the trigger you are getting is small they are pretty slow growers. I have had a Pinktail that is 5 inches and it was that size when I bought it. I have had it for 1 1/2 years now so it has not moved in size and it is in a 300g so I am not dwarfing the size....you know what I mean.

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arent zebra lions non-venomous? i want a lion but i am super scared of getting stung! if the zebra is venomous are there any non-venomous zebras?!

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as far as i know, all lions are venomous. mine id very calm though, and when my hand goes into the tank he swims away. just always know where they are, thats the key to not being stung, just pay attention to him. i always swore to my husband i would not get one, but when i saw mine in person i had to have him, i was scared at first, but now i have no problems getting into the tank :)

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i was talking to one of the guys at the lfs abou the lions and he said that they swim away from his hands when he has to reach iinto the tank. one was floating around and it pricked him he told me that his whole arm got swollen and hurt alot!

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My Lions swim away when I am doing some thing in my tank but I have been stung. I was feeding my trigger and wrasses looked away and stuck my hand right in to a Lion, so it was my own fault. I think most stings are because people accidentally run in to the lion not because of lion aggression.

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yeah they are not as aggresive as i thought they were. when i had my clown in the tank, the clown would go after the lions krill and the lion would just swim away and i would drop another one in. they are not out to sting someone, you just have to pay attention. they are like bees, if you are allergic you can have a bad reaction, if not it is just painful. you just have to be careful. sometimes when i am doing a lot of work in my tank i will remove him to a 5 gallon tank till i am finished. thats the safest thing for both of us, so if you get one, just use caution :)

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i found my holy grail of lions today, a fu man chu!!!!! and a great deal. he had been picked on at the lfs by something though, he has a hole on his side, but it looks to be healing nicely. no fungus or anything so i got him half price. will get a pic when he comes out to eat, and the best part is they had him eating frozen food :D

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not too close, i watch him, but he usually swims away from my hand cuz i wear aqua gloves, and i guess the big orange and purple monster scares him

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Great find on the lion cant wait to see pic's. If you wear aqua gloves with a lion you should be fine, I dont think they can sting through those.

If you do get stung run your hand or arm under the hottest water you can stand for 30 minutes. I did that when I was stung and it did seem to help.

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it can be deadly, sorta like how most people are ok with getting stung by a bee, but some go into shock, well a lion would be the same way. i don't know if you could get stung through the gloves, but i won't be trying to find out. i just watch them, if the get too close my hand comes out of the tank.

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Hahaha. I was trying to convince Reefer Addict to do a demonstration for us but he backed out at the last minute, hehehe.

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lol yeah i will try not to get stung, but if i ever do, i will take pics lol, wish he would come out, he is hiding in the back of my tank right now

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Reefer Addict


Cesar I nominate you to get stung first. I quadruple dare ya!!!!!


Alas, I can not get stung now. Traded my blackfoot for my dendro. Long story short. The pred tank that I was putting together sprung a leak. Or should I say about 5 leaks (was using an old hex tank)!!!!

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Oh please have the camera ready, hahaha. I dont wish it happens to you but if it does please take pictures, hehehe. It sounds mean but it would be hilarious. Oh come on, your not down.

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Reefer Addict

yep. traded with my future brother in law. you would flip out if you knew the stuff that he had (fresh and salt). :o


i still want a fu manchu though. i just need to decide whether to try and fix the leaky tank or just get a new one..


sooo post the pics!!!!!!!!! i'm going through withdrawls already!!!!! not good to keep a 'Reefer Addict' waiting!! :D

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if he would come out i would get the pics. my last lion took a few days to come out. i tried, and will keep trying, shoulda took one of him in the bag :D

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