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anyone have any lionfish?


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well i just put him in with my clown and a sweetlips. the sweetlips face whacked him a few times with it's tail then quickly darted away. my clown hosts to my power filter where it sorta stays all the time unless it is feeding time. they are going into a 10 gallon holding tank till my new tank is set up. but so far he has no intrest in them. he was in a tank with a clown for 2 weeks at the lfs, so i am not too worried. the only other thing is a coral banded shrimp, and that little pain in the butt can be fish food, but he is bigger than the lion so for now he may be safe. but i know the risks so i will NOT be one of those people that come on here crying that their aggressive fish killed their sweet little clown lol

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hopefully your clown wont be inhaled:(

the longer they are together odds are the clown will eventually vanish.


your braver than I.


Keep us posted, curious how it goes

Good Luck

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so far clown, sweetlips, and shrimp are fine. they swim right up to him and he just watches them. no problems so far. trying to kick my mother in laws butt in gear to give me my 29 back so i can separate them, but like i said so far no problems.

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I had a dwarf fuzzy at my last place. IT ROCKED! I was afraid for the move, so I sold it :*( . I am sorry to say that your clown, shrimp and sweetlips are only temporay inhabits of a tank that has a lion - not that it is bad, now you have a perfect excuss to start a new tank ;) . If you leave them together, they will be eaten...


Enjoy the lion!

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does you lion fish do anything? i'm debating wther i should get one for my 50 gallon...but friends say they dont really do anything but chill on the sand...when they feed its cool and thats it

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Liveaquaria's compatibility chart means nothing in the real world. When the lion gets big enough, he's bound to try and swallow them. And note it says w/ caution... That means there are decent odds that it doesn't work. Try to hand feed it, yet? That's the best part of a lion. Had a little guy in my 29 that I had to sell back in TX. :( Really miss him. :(

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well still so far so good. he comes to the front of the tank when i come in the room but he just chills on the sand or up against a rock most of the time. he is already almost full grown. head to tail he is about 5 inches. he just ignores the other fish and has not attempted catching my coral banded shrimp yet. he looked at him and was probably pondering it but he just turned around and swam away lol. he is still on live food, i gotta get him off of it asap cuz i hate having to go buy the stuff. so far no attempt by him to go for frozen krill, gonna try silversides in a few days and see how that goes. i mean i wiggled the hel out of it in front of him and he did not budge. the good thing was that i needed a tank to keep the feeders in so now a have a 5.5 to mess with when i get him off live food lol. but really i am not worried about him eating his two tank mates, if he does it is ok cuz thats the food chain but hopefully he won't. like i said before the sweetlips loves to whack the lion in the face with his tail. but the lion does not respond to it.

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mmm...as far as feeding is concered; ever dwarf lion i'v seen has been willing to accept freeze-dried krill sooner or later- silversides may work in the end- but dont count on it- this is just one of the challenges of this fish; did you ask the dealer when they got it in from shipment? has it been eating at the LFS? these are all questions that are crucial..

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yeah they got it like 2 weeks ago and it was eating but they were giving it feeders like every 2-3 days. it eats feeders with no problem, i just want it to take the frozen stuff to make life easier. he would then eat when all the others do. he did go for the live brine shrimp that were swimming in my tank when i first got him lol. he liked those. i have just heard that feeders are not too good for them. anybody else ever heard of that? well here he is today after eating a feeder. 9765fishy-med.jpg

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he looks great! :) but as far as feeders- yes you want to avoid feeding him anything that's got a backbone- fish like guppies, rosy reds, goldfish introduce so much sh*t to your tank (sh*t=diseases, huge bioload increase, decaying dead fish); the only live food i would throw in is ghost shrimp- he'll take those down in no time; but a good tip- when feeding- mix a little bit of krill for ex. and live food- so he may get used to eating both and then slowly decrease the amount of live food... and be careful when cleaning your tank- sometimes they hang upside down under rocks- behind filter tubes and other "hidden" places where you may "rub" your hand- neurotoxins are known to mess you up!

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lol, i wear gloves everytime my hand goes in the tank, i know this will not be enough, but so far a confine him to a corner with a large net, he hangs there till i am done then i let him out. i cannot find ghost shrimp, my lfs does not carry them. i thought about getting some live mysid shrimp and keeping most in my fuge and then letting some out once in a while. would he like that?

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lol! anything that moves should be just fine.... i gotta tell you- a coworker of mine bagged a voliton lion for a customer (this was a long time ago) and he got pricked through the bag! he was complaining of lack of vision and hearing- he took the rest of the day off...man taht day sucked...

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wow, yeah i am not taking any chances. that was the main reason i did not want one, but my husband did, so i bought it as a surprise for him, and a cover up on the new zoos and mushrooms i bought that day. he was so interested in the lion he did not ask about the new corals :)

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Hey there. I have a volitans. He eats live ghost shrimp, frozen silversides and the larger bits in Marine mix (which I feed to the sun corals). Lionfish are lovely to have. They have serious personality.


I'd watch the shrimp if I were you. He may try and eat it regardless of how much bigger it is then him.



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day three and everything is co-existing. hmmmm. sweetlips hangs within 5 inches of the lion, shrimp cruises past him, and clown still comes down to check him out. but now i am prepared to start training him to eat frozen foods, so all inhabitants are going into a 10 gallon tank till i accomplish this. well that is if i can catch them. i don't want to have to tear down my tank now to get them out, so if they don't want to be dinner hopefully they will come out easy :)

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I had a fuzzy dwarf lion for almost a year. He was a lot of fun, and ate anything that came his way. I trained him onto flakes and the occasional feeder guppy. Unfortunatly hes a very curious guy and tested moving objects smaller than him. He would try to eat hermet crabs and spit them back out when he realized they don't taste good. Amazingly he didn't mess with my sexy shrimp, the only one he did get was my mistake because I introduced it by letting it float to the bottom like food, which he ate. Mine managed to jump out the back of my tank 3 times, one of them he was completely dry but still alive and was happy again when I put him back in the tank. Isn't he cute?

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I love those dwarf fuzzy. Maybe if i do a 55 i will put one in with some med size fish. Your looks realy good. Good find. U should post more pics too.

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well almost 10 days and my lion still has not eaten my other fish or my coral banded shrimp. he still refuses to eat frozen food, i tried to feed him today with frozen krill and mysis, but he refused, so i gave in and threw him a feeder. i figured 3 days with no food was long enough, i will try again in a few days. i really want to get him on frozen foods though. my other fish still swim right up to him and he just ignores them, but as soon as that feeder hit the water he hauled butt from behind the rocks and within 5 seconds that feeder was gone. any advice for feeding him frozen stuff besides the wiggle stick method?

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i wouldnt worry too much

i had a fuzzy dwarf a while back with 3 other fish in a 7g bf (w/ 10g sump and protein skimmer) and they lasted until i moved back home.

the other inhabitants included a neon goby, false perc, and something else i forgot

i usually fed mine both frozen and alive brine, grass shrimp, flakes, and feeder fish

im thinking about getting another one but still deciding on my options

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The best way to wean a lionfish is to start off feeding live foods at first, then slowly introduce foods that look like the live food you give them. For example if you started feeding you lion with rosy red minnows then put in similar sized silversides. Starting off your lion with ghost shrimp may be a bit tricky to wean him over, because its hard to find similar sized raw shrimp for him. It takes patience but is worth it in the long run. Good Luck. B)

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