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Innovative Marine Aquariums

problem wit coral


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Originally posted by g0tfish

if my mushroom is spittin out white stuff is taht bad? its not from its mouth but around it.


that could be bad. White stuff coming from around the base probably means that the shroom is going though some kind of stress. What are your tank specs?

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Originally posted by jenniebutterfly

most likely tentacles.  my mushrooms do this once in a while, maybe you need to feed it.  :)


Mushrooms do not require feeding. IME they are almost indestructable.

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stress i thought stress as well. the shroom was out of water for almost a minute and also the current kept moving him around in my tank so i must have put too much pressure when handling it :( hes fine now chillin in a cap with bridle vail. thanks guys

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also to answer ur questions about water params. they should be normal although i still dont have enuff money to buy a test kit yet! sorry i kno i kno. the params should b pretty normal though because i top off with RO to the same water level each time. Also i use natural ocean catalina water too..

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yes, stress. And while you don't need to directly feed them, you can now and then if you choose to. It's fun to watch. A little piece of meaty food, right at their mouth, they'll swallow it up.

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