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Hitchhiker IDs?


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These 2 little guys just showed up and I wondered if they are bad, I saw a tank to my LFS that had tons of the white critter and If they will take over the tank I want to get then out;)


Thanks for looking

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just a flatworm, not harmfull so much unless there are a lot of them. clear ones are not as destructive, but sometimes red ones can irritate corals.


the green thing is also a flatworm, but should cause any problems.

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If you want them out, try a 6 line wrasse to eat themor a product called flatworm exit. The flatworm exit stuff works really well, but make sure you read all the directions because when the flatworms die en masse, they leak out a toxic substance. So be ready for water changes and to run carbon.

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Yep, flatworms. The white ones eat copepods and smaller red flatworms. You can syphon them out with each water change. I have found that once under control and the water parameters are right, they fade out on their own. I still have two (that I know of) white ones and I just let them be, they don't harm anything.

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