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Innovative Marine Aquariums

could'nt wait


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I sold my 5g minibow a month ago. Now I cant wait to get all the hardware to get my 29g up and running. So, I figered I'd fill up my 20L (future sump/fuge for 29) with all my Lace rock (about 20lbs), and added like 4lbs live rock. This at least gives me something to look at till I get everything in order for the 29. It also gets my cycleing going. Hopefully, buy the time I'm ready to transfer everything into the 29, I can pretty much start adding livestock.

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I added a piece of krill and some biozyme to help things get on the way. Should I wait till I add my yardright sand in order to get the grunge and combo vital?

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What?!?!? is that play sand? I know you've probably read that you CAN use playsand... and to some extent it is true, some sands are bad... but BELIEVE me, you will save yourself a ton of money if you buy 2 $20 bags of REAL live sand... preferably this stuff:


the Special Grade Sand....


you will have soo much trouble keeping up with PH, alkalinity, calcium, iodine, strontium, iron, ETC...ETC....ETC!!! Live sand is acctually breaking down, releasing the goods into your tank and helping to keep it stable, as does instant ocean salt... not so much, but a little...


Yes wait till you get the sand before you buy the G-Grunge, but the combo vital will start helping imediatly... if you put the grarf grunge in you would have to take it back out to put in your sand and then put it back on top of the fresh LS... Basically all it is, is sand FILLED with different types of coraline algea and micro inverts that will soon cover your tank...


keep us posted.. and please ask any questions you have!!!

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NO NO NO, Yardright is the same as southdown. It's a tropical sand. I can't remember if yardright is the company that purchased southdown, or if southdown just changed their name. But it's the same stuff.

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Originally posted by The_Barbe-Hatten_Project

order some Garf Grunge from www.garf.org and some Coral-Vital by Marc Meiss (better yet Combo-Vital); soon you'll be rolling in the coraline...


I respect GARF for their mission, and they do have nice frags, but their grunge is absolute crap. Nothing live in it at all...I know managers of LFS that have used the stuff for their driveways, it's that bad. :

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NO NO NO... i don't mean it's bad... it's just that you could have better... the arag alive will maintain your PH for you, to a certain extent... by all means use the PLAY sand...


At like $5/ lb i doubt they have used it for their driveways... all it is is the bits of chipped coraline and what not out of their prop tanks... if you don't want to do that, get some of the "grunge" in the bottom of your LFS's LR curing basin.. i mean it's not like the stuff you get from garf hasn't been there for up to 20 yrs or anything... the basic thing you need to know is that you have to have coraline algea in your tank somewhere (whether on a peice of real LR or in Arag-alive sand) in your tank before it will grow this goes the same for the bacteria that will bring down your ammonia, nitrite, and nitrite spikes to finish your cycle... the grunge is supposed to have the bacteria in it, just like LR and a ton of different kinds of coraline algea... I did say supposed to. i have never bought the stuff, but i've heard of many people using it to start their tanks...


if the LR you have in there has a lil bit of coraline on it then just buy some of the coral vital and the rest of your rock will be well seeded in a month's time... only use it for a month... no more...

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Well I addedan other 30lbs of lr to the system and most of that has coraline. I thought that southdouwn sand was aragonite based. Therefor helping with Ph and what not.

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