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WOOHOO!! New 2.5 Pico! =) (56k Friendly)


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WOOHOO!! ok so after lurking and doing a lot of sudying on my own i have finaly come up with my own 2.5 pico. here are specs:


Tank: 2.5 gal Topfin from Petsmart

Lighting: 9" Coral Life 18watt Actenic Blue / 10k Daylight

Flitration: AC300 w/ACmini Impeller

Protien Skimmer: Custom Built

Fuge: Custom Built

Auto Topoff: Idea from UnderTheRadar

Hood and Base: Found on DIY forum

Heating: 25watt Neptune heater

Rock: 3lbs of Lace Rock

Substrait: 3lbs total (in fuge and aquairum) Marine Sand/Aragonite mix (carb sea premium mix)


Probly the total cost not including the time and equipment bought to do the tank would be close to $70 or so. and im glad to have it done! now my roomate can claim the living room again and i got to move out my power tools.. living in an apartment can suck at times but then again how many aparments do you see a mini band saw in.. hehe :) let me know what you think.


NOTE: no animals in it at the moement. i took water from my 33 long saltwater and put it in the tank going to put a hermit and probly a molly or somthing small to begin with in there to see how the filtration holds out.




Front of Tank. you can see the chess board on the same table so you get an idea of scale :)




What i got in there.. nothing.. except rock and sand :P




Custom skimmer hope to see some skimmage soon.. looking promicing after running it on my 33long




the fuge is a box with holes drilled into it. it does reduce the flow of the filter a good bit and allows water to flow through at a good rate still so i think overall it works :)


Overall i give the project an "B+" for my first tank that small. i had a lot of help building the stand from my friend who owns a cabnet shop but then i bought a good bit of equipment to cut the acrylic from sears and such. needless to say i hated having to score all my acryllic by hand.. just to slow for me! but i liek it so far so good its only day one! :)

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Well i got some animals in the system finaly. 2 1/2 banded legged hermits, 3 salt water mollys, and 3 glass shrimp to start the load with. i am going to try and do a small cycle on the water since the sand and the rock is not live i also added 1/4 lb of LR to help out and finished off my autotop off now i just have to sit and enjoy the tank :)

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