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C3po's 18g - 3mths


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Just thought i would post a few pics for some opinions on rock placement and thoughts.


Not alot of tank additions as i am taking the slow path of building the reef...

[along with the budget set down by the minister of finance. aka. Wife]



36W 50/50 CF [yes i know...no watts per gallon bashing here pls]




2 powerheads [1200 & 300L/hr]



2 Turbo Snails [Plus about 6 small hitchhikers of undetermined sp.]

[edit: --RIP-- snail no# 3]

1 Hermit


Bubble Coral

Toadstool Leather

Orange Mushrooms

Blue/green Mushrooms

Pink Mushroom


Live rock is from Far North Queensland, which is very reasonable quality.


anyway...here goes



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I love your bubble coral and your pink mushrooms - and that empty clam shell is freakin' me out! You should have something kind of hanging out of it - maybe one of those little tank divers? lol

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I say ditch the clam shell (and maybe even the LP skeleton up front). But I really like how your tank is spotless and your sandbed is sooo white. keep it clean, brotha! good job!

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I'll break off the shells and get em out...

I'll also do a bit of shuffling with the rock and put the focus back onto the 'living' specimens in the tank.


I am really pleased with the Coral sand, it seems to be keeping relatively clean... Its a great contrast against the Purple Coraline growth and the 'Admiral Blue' painted back. To be honest the sand gets a thorough ruffling when i do a water change... not sure how long that will last.

There is only about 7-8Kg, which is more than enough IMO.


two weeks until another addition. Not sure what to go for at the moment...


I might go for a GSP or Galaxia next. Thoughts?

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I like the interesting rocks they add character to the tank, get some gsp growing on that clam and wowowow. I really like the tank, wut are your plans via fish?

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undecided. I will be forced to have at least one clown fish. My wife will insist on it.


Basically, no fish until i upgrade the lighting to support an anenome... and time is certainly needed before that can happen.

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Originally posted by c3po

I will be forced to have at least one clown fish.

I was delighted to discover that 5.5g was really too small for a clownfish - and even more delighted to discover that my 4 year old would accept that!

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I would have to say GSP. It is one of the first corals I use in a new tank. I often start with shrooms, then GSP, then xenia. These all absorb nitrates and help keep the water clean. They are hardy enough and you know something is wrong if they die. Galaxea is not a beginner coral, and galaxea really need alot of light. I dont think you have enough. I thought mine was fine under a 70watt halide, and then i put it under a 250watt...it lit up green and looks so much better now...my girlfriend says its here favorite coral now...but before, under a total of 106 watts in a 10g...it was brown.

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Originally posted by uchiha

gosh darn that's a really nice tank!


who makes it?


The tank was a yum-cha ebay buy. All i know is that it was manufactered in Singapore... and i the Ebay seller was the importer... the tank didnt sell and i picked it up for a snappy AU $30.


Best buy i ever made. Absolutely frameless.

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Really, really clean. I love that part.


The pile-o-rocks, well, I think it could be improved to enhance the overall presence of the tank and hide some of the equipment IMHO.


Keeep up the good work.

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The grand plan with the tank is to hang a refuge on the back..


That takes one powerhead and the heater out of the main tank. I will eventually upgrade the powerhead to a powersweep (or retro the output) to get a bit more random flow.


Anyone got some links on some fuge designs? I got quite a bit of acrylic to play with so i might just do my own design.


I was thinking a simple box to the same base dimensions as a small fluoro fitting & about 400mm deep;

- Ingress / Egress using PVC fittings

- Ingress baffle to house a low flow powerhead

- Egress baffle + grate to maintain water level and keep macro in



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Yesterday i noticed my hermit consuming one of the turbo's on the sand.

Question: Is the hermit an opportunistic feeder ie. moved in when it saw the turbo in distress or dead...or is it likely the hermit had a hand in the whole scenario?


One thing is for sure... The hermit will be sporting a new home at some point over the next few days.

BTW: He seems to be taking his time consuming the snail.

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The hermit was probebly outgrowing its shell and and killed the snail for its shell. I would just let the hermit do its thing and just get a new turbo. Thats exactly what mine did.

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