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Innovative Marine Aquariums

kenya or colt?


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can someone please identify this for me?


I thought it was a kenya, but i been looking around the site and it also looks like a colt. Also ppl say this grows like weeds, I had this for about 2 months now and it still hasnt grown. Actually recently (1 week now)the lil polyps arent even coming out.



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Looks kinda like a colt, but it's hard to tell the difference when it comes to the family of leather corals... Maybe a more close-up image of the coral that is less blurry would help? Kenyas are a bit less packed/bunched up when fully extended - tree-like, some might even say.


You say that this coral hasn't grown in 2 months... What is the placement of this coral within your tank? With colts, they tend to get most of their nutrition from photosynthesis but supplimenting their diet with marine snow once or twice a week. won't hurt. Try moving the coral higher to your lightsource and see if that helps with its growth.


You didn't mention what your water parameters were, but another thing that would have effect on your coral is water params. Try to keep those at optimal levels and see if your coral's conditions improve.

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hi winnie

thanks for the reply, this coral is placed on the highest level of my tank so light shouldnt be the issue. I feed 2-3 times a week liquid life coral plankton. i do 10% water changes 1x/wk. water params

ph 8.2,amm 0 nitrites 0, nitrates 10

the limbs of this coral now have a light brown crust on it, looks like some sort of algae growth, or maybe its dying....

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From what I have read, its nearly impossible to tell the difference in kenya and colt unless you frag the coral and get a look at its underside. Kenya's tend to be more of a hard substance and have "designs or patterns" under the foot. ( I wish I could remember which book showed the difference)

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hey billy

nope its add'l to the stock


any ideas on the brown stuff growing on it? looks like slime algae covering it, so the polyps basically dont even come out anymore



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I have a colt, which here in the uk they call a pussey coral. They have a very slimy coat and need to be pt in a good area of flow. Mines at the top of my reef, near to the light but in the direction of my powerhead...

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Colt corals have less branchy stalks and more pronounced polyps as in thick. kenya coral is very branchy and has thinner polyps and branches. I also think they can be found in reds and green tints too?( From what I have noticed in my Local LFS)

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