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Pink Anthelia Problems with NEW 24 tank?


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Hey everyone.

I had a horrible disaster happen the other day. I was changing over from a 12 gallon nano to a new 24 gallon.

I have 2 pretty large peices of live rock. 1 live rock (oldest peice0 has 2 good sized frags of pulsing xenias and 1 button polyps and have a 14.99 frag of Anthelia grow into about a 100 dollar peice.

My new 24 gallon was almost filled and then it completely cracked all the way up the side. I took all my fish (1 wild clown, 1 sleeper head goby, 1 - 6-line wrasse) and had them bagged at LFS. Said they'd be okay for 24 hrs in bag. Placed live rock with corals in a bucket with completely submereged water. FInally got a new nano that night a put new sand in 24 gallon nano with the old sand from my 12 gallon on top. After I added the live rock peice with corals. I let the new tank sit with live rock for about 14 hrs. Tried running filter but it was too cloudy to run so I just let it sit.

Came back next morning water cleared but water was too cold it was about 70. SO i had to buy 150 WATT.


The most important thing in the tank i am worried about is my ANTHELIA. It's grown to about 100 dollar piece. I looks like it has been slowly and gradually doing btter. Do you think these will bounce back? How long do you think it will bounce back to normal? Was does anthelia look like when dying out?





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