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Shy clown...


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Hi. today i bought a clown from my LFS to go in my 15 gallon. its a fijian clown, looking similar to the clarkii but ive forgotten its name!!! , its a yellow orange colour with two stripes and around 4-5 cm in size, it also has a lemon coloured to white snout. the first thing it did was hide, in a cave, now it only comes out a little at the back of the tank. i put food in and it ate it so i know its okay buts its damn shy, and suggestions? Ill post a picture of it below (sorry i caught it whilst it swam V.fast back into the cave!, thanks,



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Kamalehi! thats the one!!! Bicinctus! thanks lol, yeah he came out to the front this morning then i walked into the room and he did a runner(or a swimmer) and went back to hide at the back, he has live his own little den at the back of the cave where he just stays wagging his tail fins all the time. i think he come out in time.

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My clowns hid the first few hours, then once they noticed there wasn't anything in ther to harm them, they were extactic, and swam happily all over the tank.


I guess the reason mine weren't so shy, is because they were in the same tank together for about 2 weeks at the LFS.


Maybe you could get it another clown just like it, and they could pair up :)

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hmmm yeah, perhaps... i only got the one because its a 15 gallon and i thought it may be too much bioload etc... It was also the smallest one they had.. i may take the rock out that he hides under, or just move it. Ive already moved the heated from behind the rock because he was also using that as a refuge. He does swim happily in a cool kinda waddlly way but only at the back corner!!

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all clowns like corners,even mine,he sleeps in one at night.when i inroduced my clown into the ten,he swam and swam until he couldnt swim anymore,but he was NEVER shy.i wish i had one like yours soi could put another w/ him!

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My clown sleeps in the front of my MB7 tank. Just give him time and most likely he will come out. Fish are like people though, some are just shier than others...

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My pair sleep dead center of my 20L, in the front that is, and they don't mind a moon light over them at night so i can whatch them :)

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i had my actinic(sp?!) on last nite for a while whilst my Shy clown was at the back asleep bless. its now out most of the time but still swimming at the back darn it.

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get one of those suction cup fish food clips and put a piece of noi(sp?) on it in the front of the tank and see if it comes to the front, trach it to be in the front. I also have heard that if you put a Background on your tank the fish will come to the front of the tank more. Do you have a Background on your tank or not?

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YEAH i have a background, i actually was thinking about that. but i thought because its a dark blue it may hide more at the back? lol that was my theory.. i just blocked up one of his caves but hes found two more now darn.

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weird, hes now coming to the front quite a lot, lol ive just fed him loads of flake when he came to the front, like training a dog, hope he realises to stay there when he needs to be fed!


ill post a pic! (sorry its not a brilliant one!)

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