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John's 20L


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Well guys, I finally did my own thing and got a 20L.

This is it at first. Note the lack of LR.




After my first aquascaping... But I wasnt dont yet.



This is it after the latest reworking



This new rock has aptasia :x , but Ive been after it with a syringe and boiling water. Im also going to get Joe's Juice and a few pep-shrimp.


This is the way it sits now. Im not sure what Im going to do. I wanted a little cave, but Im not sure im happy with it. Any suggestions/comments? All are greatly appreciated.

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same, and peppermint shrimpwill clean them up in a few min, my 2 ate all 21 in less than a week. they have been resorting to cleaning habits, which freaks out the chromis and the shrooms, so i throw a few more shrimp pellets in at feeding times

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Haha! I forgot to mention. I put that light over it while Im building my hood. Should be done soon. Im putting a 250w SE MH 10,000K over this puppy. That light is actually off of an old 15g I used to have. Its like, 45w compacts.

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h aha i though it was a little small, if i were you i would but it about 8 inches off atleast, more like a foot so you get good spread and dont ave to deal with heat. looks great too i like the cave on the right

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I like the aquascapeing alot.. good choice on the MH. I'm a big fan of 20L, they look so much bigger then they actually are.


good luck!

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What do you guys think about the cave in the middle? Im not so sure I like it... I could be wrong. I like the arch on the right, but I am a perfectionist... and im aggrivated! heh

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5 gal refugium sitting behind it w/ eheim PH

Millenium 2000 mechanical filter,

150w filter

Eventual protein skimmer. Might get a jebo... its cheap, and for a 25g system, I dont think it could be too bad.

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I ordered one from a guy on Nano-reef. One he built himself. The thing showed up cracek like a mofo on one side. I got myself some acrylic and copied what he had done. . I have to say, it didnt turn out too bad.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ok Guys, I did alot of work to get this thing the way it is now.


1) FINALLY got the aquascaping to the way I will not complain about it

2) Built a custom hood with 250 W 10,000K MH SE bulb AND did a huge plumbing job for a Mag3 and SCWD oscillator.

3) Added 1 Flame Angel, 2 True Percs, and 4 pepermint shrimp to the tank.


Check it out, its still pretty rough, but you get the idea. I am not ready to start getting the tank ready for corals and stuff. My girlfriend and mom want to paint a mural on the outside of the hood. Check out my AWESOME cooling system on the left.




This is the plumbing nightmare that is my tank




I suck at taking pictures, but I think you guys get the Idea. Its all in the "testing to see if anything leaks" mode right now. I just cant wait to clean it all up and get everything the way I want it.

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Flame police... LoL.


Dont worry, He's a baby. If he gets too big, I can take him out. I dont want this thread to turn into the "Flame on the Flame" thread. Check him out.



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It reverses direction somewhere aroun 9-11 seconds, depending on if you count lag time for the SCWD, etc. I also have to conscider the fact that I dont have too much resistance at the ends, since I could only buy 4 of the 6 nozzles I needed (DOH!). They put them on order for me at the local hardware store.


On another note, my girlfriend helped me with the plumbing, and now she wants to paint a mural on the front of the tank? Any Ideas? I was thinking WWII Bomber nose art, or flying teeth. =D

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