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Innovative Marine Aquariums



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What colors of zoos and mushrooms are considered rare? I have very limited space and i want to try to invest in zoos that would make my tank much prettier and not so simple-looking...this includes mushrooms and whatever else my 48 watt 50/50 can hold.

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What size tank?


Just for the reference, "investment zoos" are often:

-true blues

-baby blues


-anything else very vibrant and not commonly seen, like pure oranges, etc.



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12 gallon


I see...yeah, since the corals I can keep in my tank aren't as colorful as the expert corals, I'd like to have as many colorful ones as I can have lol

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  • 2 weeks later...
Originally posted by JovReef

PPE's are Purple People Eaters. They are a palyathoa. Very sought after.


I guessed Purple and I guessed palyathoa. As for "Purple People Eater", I can't decide whether to believe you or whether you're pulling my leg :-(

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Yes but you never mentioned how many watts you have or what size your tank is. I never said they MUST HAVE VHO or Halide only that is was preferable.

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Ahh...wattage... well I've upgraded and downgraded a few times in 4 years. but I had 2 65 watt pcs over my first tank (a 20gal) and 2 96watt pc's over my 46 blowfront. On my desk nano I have 2 13 watt's. My softies look better than my friends with MH's.


My other friend grew some VERY VERY impressive bright purple, blue, orange, green, and combo acros in his 65 with 4 96 watt pc's I think his has been running for 5 or 7 years now...I dont remember, and you should see the growth also!


The only thing I've noticed that the corals do different when under PC's is they will grow different thicknesses. His birds nests are thicker than a friends frag under MH's. His M capricornis are thinner. The digitata grow more out than up. stuff like that.

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Oh and the desk nano, I just put the second bulb in because I'm upgrading to (I think) a 7 gal next week. Its been running on 1 light since september.

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