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black nudibranch thing with hard shell


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I found this thing this morning on my xenia. It's about 1 cm long, and looks like a black nudibranch type of thing, because of the way it moves and those "ruffled" edges. The thing is though, is that it has antennaes and a shell like snail. But the shell is more like a beetle shell than a snail... Yeah... beetle.... I'd say it's some type of snail, but I would just like to know if it's harmless, or if it eats polyps or something like that... Thank you!

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Yeah, when I felt it, it felt kind of stiff, so I guess it might have an internal shell like you said. It has antennaes, and behind those it has about 4 little node things. Tentecles? Maybe?

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I have a white one that looks like that pic. It has a flat shell. I think it is a stomatella (sp?) snail. If so, it eats algae from what I've read. Mine comes out at night and wanders everywhere.

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The Shrimp X

it is a Stomatella snail, the best IMO/E snail to ever live. If it is almost completely black, then consider your self one of the lucky few who have the Black Variety, i have 1 black one that i love.

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