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What corals can I keep with...

Fish Freak

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Tank Info: 20 Gallon High. About 17'' tall, 23'' long, and 12'' wide.


Lighting is two 55 watt power compact bulbs, 110 watt total. One bulb is Actinic, the other is a Daylight 10,000K.


Could I keep corals in my tank? If so, what kind would you suggest? Would a Xenia be okay? How about some softies?



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with that type of PC lighting, you can most definitely keep xenia, and a wide variety of softies and LPS.


here are just a few "softies" off of the top of my head:

  • xenia
  • zoanthids
  • mushrooms
  • ricordia/yumas
  • green star polyps

various LPS as listed below:

  • brains
  • blastomussa
  • hammer coral
  • candy cane coral
  • torch coral
  • frogspawn


there are a lot more available than the ones i listed above, those are just a few to help you get an idea of which direction you can start heading towards. 110w of PC is enough for most "medium-light" corals.

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Thanks for the replies guys :)


I just got some more rock for the tank, figured i better get it the way i want it BEFORE i:) have corals and such in there to worry about disturbing. Needless to say, the rockwork is now blah. O well, at least it serves its function.


I've actually decided on a tiny bit higher fixture... two 65 watt bulbs, so a total of 130 watts.


Where is it best to place: mushrooms, xenia, torch, and polyps?

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In addition to light, you also have to consider where the flow of water. You don't want to put a coral in any spots where there is no current. As far as light goes, mushrooms and GSP don't need a whole light of light, so you can place them near the bottom. The xenia and torch, I'd put higher up Especially since you have a tall tank.

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You know I was just thinking about that, I am aceing this eclipse hood as soon as I have some time to get the new lighting on, and need to decide on what to do. Is it best to get powerheads? Or is a HOB filter adequete for movement? I spotted this on the petco website, would this be a good solution for getting water current in different areas of the tank? Click Here

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