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Top Shelf Aquatics

New Nano Cube DX


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This is my first attempt at a salt-water tank. I just added the live rock and in a few days if everything goes well (by that I mean the live rock doesn't die :blush: ) I’m going to add some invertebrates



Thanks for looking and if you have any suggestions for a noob to reef tanks I would appreciate it.

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Nice rock work, cool cave, might work for a goby shrimp simbiotic relationship....or a cool hermit/crab hangout.....good luck looking clean and nice...maybe wait a few more days before adding inverts....let it cycle a bit.

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Great start


in a few days if everything goes well (by that I mean the live rock doesn't die  ) I’m going to add some invertebrates

you need to wait least 3 weeks before you add anything.

buy a test kit if you dont already have one,

and LR cant really die there are things on it that die off.

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Thanks for the advice I have a test kit with the 5 in 1 test. I also had the water tested at my local shop and they said everything was good.


Is there anything I should upgrade or change on my nano cube to make it better for coral.


Thanks again

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Thanks Surfzup2k4 I never noticed to DIY section I have been stuck in the beginners board.


I have been having problems with my heater and want to get a new one, I have been trying to figure out the best wattage. I have looked over others setups and in the beginners board and can't figure out if 50 or 100 watts is best. A lot of people have 100 watt heaters but most of them say they are for 30 gal tanks. The 50 watt heaters say for up to 15 gal so would 50 watts be enough or are there advantages of a 100 watt heater.


I also added some live sand and a few new pieces of LR. Here is a new pic of my set-up. If anyone has suggestions as far a placement of the LR im open, I like it the way it is but don't know if it will work once i start adding coral.


As alway thanks for looking and any suggestions or tips are welcome.

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