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Coral Possibilities


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Hi guys,


My tank is going to have 48 watts of 50/50's (will eventually get the 54 watt actinic lighting)...


Other than mushrooms and zoos, what can I keep under this lighting? I've been told Ricordia and Toadstool(?), and perhaps a Hammer Coral. My tank will be the JBJ Deluxe...I want to have a wide variety of small frags as possible, so any help would be great...especially tips on what I can keep in my tank under its current conditions.


On a side note...green algae bad or brown algae bad? What's worst? Thanks.

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rics and other leathers like the toadstool you mentioned will do fine a hammer would be okay as well. Aside from that some lower light lps like green open brains will be nice,gsp too would be good certain acans would do quite nicely too.

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a brain really? I thought those guys required higher wattage? will these require phytoplankton and calcium supplements or will they be okay with just light alone? I have to dig deeper into the care of these animals before I buy them...but if they're pretty with less maintenance, that's a plus =P.

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Brains can stand to use some calcium supplements. No...They don't require high intense light, if you notice them in peoples tanks they are always near the bottom. You may also try candy canes but i would put them up about mid level in your tank. I kept both of these for years in a 10 gallon nano with two 50/50 28 watt pc bulbs.....no problems!

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