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Pod Your Reef

Join us at Tong's TODAY


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Kappa and I (Tigahboy) will be meeting up at Tong's in Fountain Valley (Southern California) TODAY b/c we're bored and have nothing better to do.


We haven't set the time yet, but we're pretty sure it will be sometime in the afternoon.


I will post in this thread the moment before I leave so any folks who want to meet us can try to catch us there (it will take me 45 minutes to get there from my apt). I don't know what kappa looks like, but I'm a big asian dude w/ a head full of hair that covers my eyes. It will look messy, like I just got out of bed...b/c in all likelihood, I probably did.


If you want a little more notice than that, well, give me a PM and I'll try my best to give you some warning. But don't ask me to call you b/c I will probably forget to.


This is very informal. And I'm not positive why I'm even posting this b/c we won't be having like a meeting or holding hands while singing koombaya; nothing like that.


I guess we'll just get to see who is who and have the benefit of having someone there (besides the LFS workers) to ask questions about corals as you purchase them.




Afterwards, you are all (assuming there is only a few of you) welcome to come over to my place in West L.A. and we can order some pizzas and watch Kill Bill volume 2 or Spiderman 2 on DVD, or just sit around and talk about reefs like BIG N-E-R-D-S!. hahah. well....we'll see about this one - it all depends on whether I decided to clean up my place a little to receive guests. =P

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You in the bay area? I miss the bay a lot...born and raised in the bay myself.


If you leave by 8AM, you will get here before we even get to Tong's. hehe.

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Originally posted by crunk

it's 4 a.m. now, how am i suppossed to get up in 4 hours and drive for another 6. wish i could though, i want to see how bad tong's is, it doesn't sound real.

Haha...completely doable, man. I do it all the time. Just buy tons of red bull. it gives ya wings you know.

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THIS SUCKS!!!, There are little or no reefers in my area. The ones that are Reefers live 45 Miles away and are all Doctors/Surgens working all the time....Ah...I am jealous of you Cali ppl where TONS of ppl have reefs...I think I will be leaving Louisiana for Cali in a few years...............

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dare me? what do you think I am? some kind of circus freak? hahah. just meet me there, wobach! I don't care how many oceans and channels and london bridges you have to swim thru, but just get there by this afternoon!

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And if someone wants to pick me up on the way to Tong's...that would be much appreciated. hahah. damn, I'm so lazy.



kappa....pick me up, dude. it's only like 2 hours out of your way (one-way).

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Originally posted by Tigahboy

And if someone wants to pick me up on the way to Tong's...that would be much appreciated.  hahah.  damn, I'm so lazy.


I don't know about you, but people in NYC don't trust each other. At least I don't. I wouldn't be asking for rides from nano strangers haha.

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well im goin today too any way so maybe ill c u guys there, but im more like a 15 year old thats way handsome. maybe ill c u guys there, but ill b with my grandparents ;)

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Originally posted by Cody

well im goin today too any way so maybe ill c u guys there, but im more like a 15 year old thats way handsome.

You must be the rapper lil bow wow.

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You know im crazy like that man....


BTW... Not to scare anyone, but be aware of the possiblity of earthquakes for the next few weeks.


Looks like we are entering another tectonic episode(8.9 quake in Indonesia) edit (I caught the wrong news, the Iran earthquake was last year on Dec 26..) and LA is overdue.


Once I get home, Im going to strap down my tanks, tvs, etc..


8.9 man, thats crazy...

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I'd go if I had a ride... I'm stuck in La Crescenta for a while... I might be going up to Big Bear early next week... So there's a lot of X-Mas money that's waiting to be spent... :(

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