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Green fungia dying.


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Hi there,

I was away for about a week or so and my tank was being taking care by a friend who supposibly knew about reef tanks.


yesterday when I arrived home I found out that my fungia was turning white from one side and part of his mouth is open.


I did some research and found out that it may be bleaching and this could be fatal.


Please share some of your experiences and let me know if I should take it out or what should I do.

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Well, they tend to waste away slowly, so most people would say to take it out, BUT! They have been known to "sprout" babies as they die, so I'd leave it in.

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Yup they do ........ BTW what type of lighting do you have?

They also contact a diseas similair to the type hard corlas get. They usualy turn white from the center out though so it is probably bleaching. Is there an anomone in your tank that may have went cruising in your tank while you were away? Is it near a frogspawn or a hammer? Do you have an elegance coral? if so is it near it?

Do you have a galaxia or anything that produces sweepers?

All it takes is one tiny touch from one of the above mentioned and its over for most corals.

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I have a 12 gallon nano cube with 52 watts of lighting 50/50.

No I don't have any of those corals you mention SaltyDawg, All I have is mushrooms, zoos, red star and some green buttons. 2 turbo snails, 5 smalls hermits, 1 emerald crab.

I used to have a sea slug which is not there no more.


The fungia is almost all white, I did noticed some little creaters that move like yellyfish. Would the bleaching of my fungia harm my other corals?



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Little critters that move like jelly fish? Like what? WEll you DO NOT have enough lighting for bleaching. More like not enough lighting for it at the most extreem case of lighting being the problem. Short of you touching it with your bare hands and giving it an oil burn from your fingers......... sounds like it was ready to die when you bought it. Do you feed it?

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Yes I feed it and it was ok for the first week, but you could be right about the oil burn from my fingers, becuase I did move it when I got a different pump. The people at the LTS just grab it with their bare hands and I assumed that it was ok to get it with your bare hands.

I did some research on plate corals before bying it, but for sure not enought.


Thanks for all your help and the people at the LTS said that it was becuase of my tank temperature, which was at 79.5 and now I have it at 78 degrees.

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I don't think it could be from your temp. My tank goes from 78 to 81 and I'm not having any problems. How is the flow in your tank? I had a huge fungia die b/c my powerheads were clogged and there wasn't enough flow getting to the plate.

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I have a mini-jet 606 which will give 160 gallons/hour in a 12 gallon tank. at first it was a medium-high and then it was mediam flow when I move it, but I think it had enough flow since it was only about 1-1/2 diameter. No more tenticles were coming up after I move it.

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