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Where is the best place to find rare zooanthid frags?


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I am trying to find some of the more attractive zooanthids, such as the blue zoos, eagle eye zoos, yellow zoos with blue skirts, ect. I have been searching online, and the only place I found is coralsandbar.com, so I tried ordering some from them, but they e-mailed me back saying that they are going out of business and are unable to ship anything out. I know that there are a lot of these zoos around somewhere, and I am just wondering if someone could point me to the right website, or person. If anyone in the Bay Area has them and wants to sell them, I would be willing to pick them up. Thank-you!

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ebay has some really awesome zoanthids up on auction right now. blues, reds, greens they are the craziest ones ive seen so far. You should check them out...

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There's a guy (or girl) on Ebay..they're from Oregon...they have some crazy names (Grapes of Wrath, Key Lime Pie)..and some gorgeous Zoanthids. Look in the Coral section of Ebay..just browse around..you'll see who I mean.




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Gusmanci, that site looked really cool and I was checking it out--but y'know...that page has some ridiculously incompetent programmers as all their pages come up with errors. -.-

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