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HELP!! New Monti.sp frag not looking so good


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Hi Everybody,


I recently acquired a new Montipora frag, I think it is foliso, attached is an image of the coral in question. This image was taken the day after I put it into the tank.




Since placing the coral in my tank, it has slowly started bleaching, not from the top but the bottom sections of the coral. Could it be RTN? The flesh is not tearing off the skeleton.


In an air of desperation, I gave the frag a iodine dip (not straight iodine ) last night. I've since placed it back in the tank at the bottom.


Just some basics on my system:

Tank is 75litres plus sumps equals roughly 120litres total. Skimmer is Red Sea Berlin Classic, lighting is 4 x 20w NO actinics, 1 x 150w MH.


Anything I can do to save this guy, SPS are so hard to come by here in South Africa, I don't want to loose this guy. Everything else in my tank is doing fine, my monti. cap is growing really quick

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The damage looks similar to montipora nudibranch damage.

They hide out in shady areas out of sight, they look similar to the polyps, and they're about the same size.

The iodine dip may have helped rid itself of them, depending on the dose and duration, that is , if it was the problem.

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Try to introduce new SPS into lower light then move it up gradually. Mine usually mucus up a bit at first, aim a powerhead at it if you have a smaller one, just get it a bit more flow.

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Any body think or stopped to think that the frag he has was horizontaly mounted in the tank before. I mean mine was and died on some edges that didnt get any light but it is still thriving and spreading. So will brain corals, digitatas, acro's, candy canes. you name it :)

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