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I posted these FLORIDA RICORDEA in the coral care forum to show a felow reefer what a colored florida ric looks like.

Please give me some ADVANCED MEMEBRS input so I can shut these freaks up!!!!!!!

They keep telling me they are yumas when they are florida ricordea.

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BWHAHAHAHAAAaaaaaaa! Thanks! it isnt a loner though. I had to zoom in cause its way up high in the back of my reef.

There are acualy 2 more rics and about 20 or so more polyps of zoos. I will repost a new pic of the entire rock just sec.......

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Do you have any pictures that are clearer, more lit, and closer? From this picture I will also say yuma.


Heres a florida:



You can see how the florida has more of the same size bubble shape structures that are very full throughout.


Heres a yuma:



It has more variety in bubble shape and has "ridges" that go towards the center.

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OMG!!!!!!!! I have to go and post an apology!!!!!!

They ARE YUMAS!!!!!!

I moved them to a shaded area and they expanded like I have never seen before. Imediatly I knew they were YUMAs.


But I still say there ARE florida ric. with tenticles on their mouths.

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I checked with Drs. Foster and Smith, and this is what they had to say about the difference between Ricordia florida and Ricordia yuma:


"These two corals originate from different locations, and while being very similar they do have some physical differences. The main difference between them is their tentacle size, where the Yuma's are larger and multiple sized, and the Florida's are smaller and more uniform. Yuma's also require stronger lighting, but other than this they are almost identical in their care requirements. "


So now you know.

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Originally posted by bikinibottom

I checked with Drs. Foster and Smith, and this is what they had to say about the difference between Ricordia florida and Ricordia yuma:


"These two corals originate from different locations, and while being very similar they do have some physical differences.  The main difference between them is their tentacle size, where the Yuma's are larger and multiple sized, and the Florida's are smaller and more uniform.  Yuma's also require stronger lighting, but other than this they are almost identical in their care requirements. "


So now you know.

And ricordea are not limited to those 2 regions/types. There's a lot of other spots that have ricordea and they each look a lil different. Carribbean has different looking ones, so does Asia (I forget specifically where), etc.

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