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Coral Vue Hydros

Sun Coral


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I have a sun coral, and it has not opened at all even with the lights off. I have been trying to feed it cyclopeeze with a turkey baster, but it will not open. I have been feeding it the same time everyday and still no luck. Help Please.



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  • 2 weeks later...

How long have you had it you say? They require quite a long tim eto accliate too. you probably set her loose to soon. THey need like an hour of floating and another 30 minutes of mixing water. Even then they wont open at all for a week in most cases.

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I got a clear plastic cup and cut a hole in the top of it. The hole is big enough to fit the end a my turkey baster. I slowly add cyclopeeze. I did that for a week and now it acts like it was jump started. It opens now whenerver I put food in the tank; I don't have to use the cup anymore.

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yea use meaty foods like shrimp. Keep the shrimp around the tubes, the coral should sense the food and after a while it will come out. These corals wont live unless they are fed constanly.

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Originally posted by Styxnpicks

 I'll but a bunch in the tank wait for them to open up and then spot feed mysid shrimp to em



i use Marine Plankton to wake thinks up, then i spot with Mysis.


my sun was open in the bag when i got it.


it opens during the day, but gets super fat at night.

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I just got a sun coral today, obviously it is still closed up. I was planning on feeding it DT phytoplankton along with some chopped kril or shrimp and target feeding it. Should I just feed it the DT phytoplankton until it opens (hopefully in the next few days) and then add the krill/shrimp?

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I also have a Sun Coral and I have to say that they are somewhat of a PITA. I have learned that you need to be extra patient with them. I feed mine brine shrimp and they absolutely love it. The only problem is that when I feed them it takes for ever because when they feal that bayster they shrink up. I guess they fell threatened, But when they know im feeding them they caome out and eat up. But one thing is for sure though, they are beautiful corals, and if you take your time with them they will produce themselves into something real neat.

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Day 7 and mine haven't opening. I fed at the same time every day - had the water off with mysis sitting in the shrunk polyps. Its starting to show skeleton on two of the polyps. I'm not holding out much hope.

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