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Anyone use blacklights on their tanks?


Went to Maui Ocean Center today and they had a Coral Flourescence exhibit. Blacklight lit up everything, it looked awesome. Thought it'd be nice for night viewing instead of a moonglow setup.


BTW, those MOC guys are sad. They were running "NO" (not no=none) lights over their tanks - ALL OF EM! Sun Corals w/ full exposure - none open. Plate corals that looked more dead than alive.


Heh, asked if I bought an annual membership, would they be willing to let me frag some of their corals - nearly got kicked out.:P

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yeah, black lighting has crossed through my head already... it scared me tho as far as hurting inverts, but I guess this shows that it's completely safe:D i'll have to give it a try sometime;)

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