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29G Reborn


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After a 25 day business trip I came home to find my 29G was in the process of crashing. My other tanks were no worse for the wear as I had a coworker fill up the top off water and fed the fish I had 3 times a week (mainly to feed the killer fish as the top off was a once a week refill).


What had happened was my Remora's MJ1200 had become jammed (note to everyone clean everything before leaving) and had subsequently heated the water while trying to run. Within the 2 days before my arrival this happened and brought the tank temp up to around 97 from what the thermometers on both sides of the tank said. Fortunately it didn't blow. Unfortunately I lost almost all of my acro's (most that were propogated by fellow reefers and that I grew) and a few other misc corals. Also my prized red cap flipped over on some zoo's but it still has a small bit of color left which is undoubtedly gone now (I'm gone again on another business trip for 19 days) but I put it in the tank anyways.


After seeing the horror I broke down the tank entirely (sorry no pics of it but it was ghastly) cleaned everything, added 40# of aragonite (it was bare bottom and the lack of deritrus removal definitely didn't help matters after 3+ weeks) , and proceeded to aquascape the tank as I liked, removed an MJ1200, swapped the Seio 620 for an 820 and put on my 2nd Remora as a backup during this next trip I'm on now. I also got to easily catch my $9 terror-the purple pseudochromis that has killed $150 or so worth of fish, shrimp, and clean up crews. He now lives in my 20L with some LR, shrooms, and montipora digitata that I couldn't fit back in the tank. So needless to say I'm happy given all that has happened as I sold off my CA Reactor, got to rescape the tank to my liking, and I can add in fish with no fear of them being terroized by the killer psuedo. I want to get a yellow or blue assessor, a pair of tank raised false percs, yellow watchman, and a few cleaner shrimp but who knows.


Anyways enough of my rant. Onto the pics. Generally I take alot more and better quality ones but the battery died on the camera before I could get going good so this is all that I have (click the pic for a hi res version and please pardon the stressed look of the corals):


Full Tank Shot (the bright white spot on the top of the mound is what's left of my red cap :():



Right Side:



Left Side:



Some zoo's before the camera died. You'll notice my use of the acro skeletons in the tank. They should come out well zoo covered:


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Thanks. The pumps are Rio Seio 820's. A lot of people have compared them to Tunez but IMHO they are different. I like these as they provide tons of flow but won't blow the water out of the tank like a stream would. :)

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Sorry to hear about your losses. This is scary because I travel and I've been wanting a tank. I had started a nano but then had to leave the country for a while several months ago so I had to get rid of it because I didn't know when I was coming back. I'm usually home at least a few weekends out of the month though. Hmmm... Having second thoughts.

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Well if it weren't for the powerhead getting jammed (I want to say it was a snail or possibly old age of the PH) then the tank would have been alright. The main thing is keeping everything constant and having your top off resivoir full. :)

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