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Which calcium test do you use?


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I have two different test kits right now, one is a hagen kit and the other is salifert. My problem is the salifert kit says my calcium is around 350-370 while the hagen kit reports calcium around 420. I dont know which to believe. Right now I tend to think it is on the low side because my sps has been showing really slow growth. Anyway what test kits does everyone use/trust???

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Right now, I'm using the hagen. I'm not sure how accurate it is, or any other CA test is. I really only use it for a ball park idea. If my readings are consistently in the low 400s, I feel pretty good about it, if in reality it is in the 390 range, so be it. I'm really looking at the consistency from reading to reading to make sure I am dosing to my tanks needs.;)

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I would tend to believe the Salifert results a bit more. I have had used Hagen test kits in the past and they arent very accurate when compared to other test kits.

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Which pH test kits is everyone using?


I am using the hagen ones and I cannot really get a good feel for what the actual levels are.


I have the wide range test kit as well as the high range and they never seem to match up 100%.

Even if I ball park it, they appear to be different by 0.1-0.2


what is the best pH test kit to use???

thanks alot!!!!

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i use calcium and phosphate test kits made by Sera. i can't vouch for their accuracy, but it's a German company which gives me confidence in the quality of the kits. Plus the color chart in the phosphate kit goes from very light blue to dark blue, which is nice compared to some other brands of test kit charts... some of them are just ridiculous and make it nearly impossible to determine the reading.


my question is, where color charts are provides, how much "inaccuracy" comes from the inabilty of the aquarist to properly place the result on the chart? it can be tough sometimes.

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For pH I use tetra and for alk and calcium I use either Lamotte or Salifert.


Calcium is a very hard thing to test for accurately and the two kits mentioned above are probably the most reliable and accurate...



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I too am in the market for a good Ca test kit. I work at my LFS and we carry the Salifert, Red Sea, Hagen, and Seachem. The Seachem is the most expensive, comes in a pretty box.....but that's all I know about it. Even speaking with my manager and the others that have worked there for years, no one has ever used it. I was wondering if you guys had any oppinions on the Seachem kit.....

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I use the Seachem kit as I dose with Seachem Ca products. I find that its very easy to read and I think its reasonably accurate when used with their other products.


I also own a Red Sea Ca test. Absolutely useless in my opinion. Save your money and buy Seachem or Lamotte

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SEACHEM and Salifert would be the two best bets...their results norally not off bu much between the 2, i use both. But again, for testing anything, as long as the results are not far off, as for ca 10-50ppm difference is not gunna matter...

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