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Cleaner Shrimp has spots

Guest samson

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ahhh I think i can field that one.... Its Bacteria, and i'll eventually end up killing your shrimp.... BUT there is a cure...


To make a long story short, i've had experience with this problem.. It appears to be some type of bacterial infection - skunk cleaners seem to be the most suseptable.. anyway eventually it can end up killing your shrimp. You'll note that it will go away after the shrimp molts, and then will eventually start reapearing... then will go away after he molts.... eventually it will end up killing him... i've lost quite a few shrimps before i figured it out... (note that the bacteria stays in your tank long after your shrimp has past away... if you add a new shrimp, he will end up getting it...)


** THE GOOD NEWS - THERE IS A CURE :D - buy some UltraLife Red Slime Remover - it will clear the spots up within a couple days. After doing this you may find that the spots come back in 2 or 3 months.. just give it another treatment of the red slime remover.. and it shouldn't come back again.. It's been about 6 months, and still don't have anymore spots..


p.s. if your wondering my red slime remover - red slime is a Cyanobacteria - hence the bacterial remedy.

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