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Should i get another clown?


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in july during my move to school, one of my two false perc clowns died when the bag collapsed around it( i learned not to use bags any more) i was wondering do you think it would be alright to get another perc clown and put it in the tank, or do you think i should see if i can exchange him for another and buy a second that has been with the exchanged one?? My tank is about 15 gal+ with about 35 lb of lr do you think it would be ok if i had two clowns and maybe a third fish of a different species. If so what would you recommend for the different species?


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you can get another and dump him in and save money vs a mated pair. just make sure he's smaller than the one you already have (if the original was the larger one) or vice versa. a comparable sized partner may lead to a long war of wills until one loses. :*(


neon gobies are nice cleaner fish to have around too as a 3rd fish. little bio-load, functions as a cleaner, usually aquacultured, sometimes aggressive but who cares it's puny they'll kick its ass. :D

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I'm with tinyreef on this one. I added my second perc, in a 20gal, almost a month after the first one. Its easier transistion if theyre juveniles, and as tinyreef mentioned, make sure the newbie is a little smaller.

I agree again, gobies are an excellent choice for a third fish with percs, they won't cause any real trouble and are fun to watch.

Damn, I agreed twice in the same post....now I'm going to have to go to another post and be a jerk to make up for it;)

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