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The RBTA picture thread! - GBTA & PBTA's OK too.


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Ok, since you all have them... Had any problems w/ them attacking other corals? Especially SPS. I love the things, but am concerned that it will kill anything else I put near it...

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Travis, that light set-up should be plenty. What happened to your PC's?


Kogut, I'm probably not the best person to respond to your question since I've only had the RBTA for a week...but I'll contribute anyway. =P So far the RBTA is still not fully settled and does move around...I am constantly watching him, and if he does get near my SPS, I will probably have to move the SPS or stick a net to block his pathway.


So far, he has touched my mushrooms...like literally brushing against them for a few days...luckily I did not see any ill-effects. I was told that RBTA's have a rather mild sting... Actually, my RBTA did touch an SPS...my Turbinaria briefly while it was moving to another location...I didn't see any ill effects either...but that might've just been luck. =/


Right now I am basically clearing its path and moving my coral around to accomodate him. I was told that it would move the most in the first week-2weeks and will finally "settle" for hopefully a long time...so I'm just waiting for that before I put my corals back in their original positions.

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That is my PCs, I am gonna reto them into the Aqualight, I know it's gonna cost more but hey, what can I say, i like the look of the aqua light ;). Or do you think that I would be able to keep the anenome under the 130w PCs? It would only be a about 10-12 inches away from the light, if not closer. Just a thought...

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Yesss! At last you have posted here! haha. Dude, I think the color of the lighter maroon really complements the color of the RBTA very well...especially in the first pic you posted. Good stuff!

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Thanks Tigahboy,

The female was the same color originally ( with the exception of the yellow stripe)

When i got the Anenome she got a deeper maroon tone, almost black.

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