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How long would you cycle "pre-cycled rock"


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My experience in saltwater is extremely short, but I have learned from freshwater, be patient, and from reading a lot on saltwater, be even more patient. I have LR in my tank I got two weeks ago, from my LFS who had just taken the rock from well an established tank he recently tore down. He said he would be suprised if I saw any spike in my parameters at all, and so far he is correct, I haven't seen a thing. I won't be putting livestock in for at least another two weeks, except for a refugium fauna kit (1/2 size since its only a 10 gallon) from inlandaquatics, and some snails if algae starts to take over, but it hasn't even started yet.


The short answer is, get everything very stable, and when you think you have it stable, wait even longer just to make sure. patience is the key to success, while your waiting, read, read, read, read.... :)


Good Luck


Kevin S.

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Wait until your ammonia and nitrite readings are zero. You may show some nitrates, this is very common until your denitrification processes are well established.



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Are you asking about the tank cycle, or just "curing" the rock? I will assume the former... This will usually take 4-6 weeks. Usually the more LR and LS you have the shorter the cycle (although this is not always the case). If you put some "waste" into the system it will help kick off the cycle (i.e. a little bit of fish food, uncured LR works well too).

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Well -


This rock supposedly will have almost no cycle - as it only was out of the water into live wells - then into transport tanks - then into a water filled cooler to my house....


I know I am anal but I did 3 water tests the 1st night

Ammonia Nitrites Nitrates

0.75 0.25 10

0.37 0.25 5

0.5 0.25 10


I will limit myself to one every day now - but would changing the water help or just slow it down?


I have so much life on this stuff I DONT want it to die

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