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Innovative Marine Aquariums

Sweet...finally found a host...


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Can this be true..did the clowns choose the frogspawn.. ?




my clowns have been really confused lately, they cant seem to decide if they should go for the xenia, GSP, leater, caulerpa, heater, powerhead for a host...


but so far, they have been hanging around here longer...



sorry for the pic,,its from my webcam ;)

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Is your frogspawn bothered by the clowns? Does it retract when they touch it? I was thinking of getting a clown, but I was worried that it would pester my frogspawn to death.

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not really korbin, my xenia and frogspawn doesnt seem to be bothered by it....

its a long process for the clowns,,,they go near the coral first and start shaking beside it...


it slowly goes to the coral, making slow moves... i guess to get the coral use to them....;)

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cool man cool :D


just hope the frogspawn doesn't decide to have a big dinner one day haha, just kidding dude...(knock on wood)



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