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Gimme A C.. Gimme an R.. Gimme an A..


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Well, how's this for a crappy weekend? Wake up Friday around 3 am and I'm sweating like a frog on a hotplate. Can't swallow, lower backpain and a migraine that would kill a bull. Sleep thru work, and wake up some time Saturday morning to find that an apartment 6 floors below me is on fire. Yup, that's right, 12 fire engines, numerous other official vehicles and there I am, with my 103.5 fever, sitting on my terrace watching the flames fly out the window like it's my own personal acid trip. I swear to god I had Comfortably Numb playing in the mental background for two day.


Anyway, I notice that my tank is low so I take care of it (or so I think I did). Around 6 PM Saturday I end up going to the ER because the fever is still very high, the throat is getting worse and, well, to be honest, it got me out of the house and shut the wife up. Anyway, they fed me a bag of sodium chloride (which was good cause I hadn't eaten a thing since Thursday evening). The Doctors run a few tests, tell my I have acute tonsilitis and that antibiotics should clear things up. I should also consider having the bastards removed.


Cut to..Sunday. The apartment smells funny, according to my wife. I have been sleeping in pools of sweat for two nights and the better part of two days so all I smell is myself. I tell her the apartment smells from me and I promise to clean everything up as soon as I stop stinking. (no point making the apartment smell nice if I will just stink it up again). She tells me to check out the tank and that is when I discover the half full bucket of water next to the tank. The tank has lost about 3/4 of a gallon of water since I supposedly fixed it so I am not too concerned. Everything inside, however, seems to be dead or dying. I test the salinity and it is off the chart. I look at my little box of salt and see that I had used about a 1/4 of the box for about two gallons of di water and dumped what I could into the tank. The rest was still in the bucket.


Well, I did some serious rescue work and think I might have saved the rest of the tank but all my sps corals died except for one and it looks like it will be touch and go for that one. The shrooms and polyps all look ok and my yellow cup coral looks great so all isn't lost yet.


Man I hate being sick.

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oh man so sorry to hear that you lost some your sps's hope that everything is sablized now. well atleast you know that things can't get any worse or can they? :

also hope that you fell better.



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Sorry about the event. On the bright side, any mistakes that you made the first time u can fix when u start it up again. O yea, ask Cameron (Physh1) to buy an auto top-off system. It's a great investment.

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Sounds like there is an opportunity there for a tank maintenance person in your town, or any town I guess, to offer emergency reef-minding services for just such an occasion. Perhaps a device with embedded java could be used to monitor your tank so that , when things start to go wrong, he or she is at your door before you even know about it



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