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Innovative Marine Aquariums

Attn. Sun Coral owners


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I seen it on another message board and thought it was an awsome idea, never seen/heard it before. Thought I would post it here incase anyone else hadn't seen it. I try to share what little knowledge I have with the people that have helped me soooo much.

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Yeah, we've talked about that one before. I don't know if it's jdiver's, though. I thought it had been around for quite a while.


Regardless, while convienent, I don't think it's well-suited to nanos. Sure, it keeps the other critters and currents from disturbing the food you're trying to feed the sun coral polyps.... but when you're done, you sitll have a huge mess of uneaten food floating around your tank. Polution central in a small tank.


I prefer feeding individual polyps because very little food gets wasted that way. If I'm in a hurry, I'll put the sun coral rock in my 1g hospital tank with some tank water and dump a whole bunch of food in for it. Give it occasion blasts with the baster to keep it floating.


Lately, I've been doing this just twice a week, in conjunction with water changes, as I'm fighting a big algae problem in the main tank, and am trying to prevent as much pollution as possible. At 1-2x a week, the polyps seem to be doing quite well, still.



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Quick observation ... If people don't have the time to feed their corals without this contraption, I very much doubt whether they'd bother to make the thing and use it regularly. I hope I'm wrong about that because it looks like quite a good idea.

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B) B) I think that it is a pretty cool idea.B) B) I came up with something similar for feeding fish that have a "difficult time" finding food in the tank. -I came up with it to late to help out my little fish that had this problem. I posted it here on nano-reef almost a year ago. But I never dreamed of using any sort of anchors, much less making something that looks so attractive ;). Nor did it even occur to me to use it for corals!! Very nice, thanks for sharing this!! I think it is a great idea (especially for things that need to be "target" fed, you mentioned gorgonia.... this would be very handy!!!)!!!!!!!! B) B) B)
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I have a similar contraption to this for my sun coral. (I saw this one a few months ago) I just used a plastic cup. I punched holes in the top mainly. To hold it down I just put it into the sand around it sun coral. The holes are large enough that I can put food in with the baster. It seems to work pretty well.


My fire shrimp is still a hog. He is smart. As soon as the cup comes down he is right on top. When the baster comes in he waits right beside it to see if anything will come out.


I have a 20 gal so the extra food isn't as much of a problem. As soon as I lift the cup the remainder is eaten by fish/crabs/shrimp etc. Also my skimmer help hold down the nitrate.


I figure a set up like this is better then pulling the coral in and out everytime I want to feed it.

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I agree that the repeated removal of any coral is not desired. I've been lucky in that my sun coral doesn't seem to notice in the least.


It's good to hear the cup-over-coral method doesn't create too much pollution with your setup. It was a definite problem with mine (10g, no sump, no fuge, no skimmer).


So just a word of caution to people interested in non-photosynthetic corals: remember that the further your setup gets from wulf's (20g + skimmer) and the closer it gets to mine (or smaller), the more you should think about the possible ramifications before attempting these types of feeders.

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