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Coral Vue Hydros

Bristle Worm Pics


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sahin, i don't think that's even a worm. if it was though, it would probably be one of those fireworms. ask dr.ron on your cool find :)

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Ross, your rock looks great!!




Bristle worms like the ones Ross is displaying are beneficial to a tank, doing a great job of cleaning up leftover food, even if it is trapped in the substrate or live rock. They are a hidden, under-appreciated part of a healthy tank.


That thing Sahin is showing is different. Is that a fireworm Sahin? There are types of bristle worms that will burn you like a stepheaded red child!


People have always thought bristle worms killed their clams, fish, etc.- much like people thought maggots killed cows. They are opportunistic feeders of dead stuff for the most part. Some will actually live in a clam and not harm the clam, eating food that filters in and finding protection from fish during the day!


That other 14"+ monster scares me, though!



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I got Dr Ron to ID a few months back. The specimen you see I no longer have, I simply thought it was too dangerous looking to keep in my tank and took it to the LFS. Afterwards Dr Ron told me its not harmful anyway. He didint tell me the common name but gave me the scientific family name. I know I have at least one more in my tank though. I see it behave and eat the same things as the normal types we see. However these types are way faster at moving and more sensitive to light changes.

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  • 4 weeks later...

so i'm looking around the tank... oh hey that's a cute little copepod... hmmm maybe i should move the powerhead a little that way...where's that snail i put in yesterday.... HOLY MOTHER OF MUSHROOMS WHAT IS THAT?!?!?! golly sahin, that worm you had has got one freaky head AND I HAVE ONE JUST LIKE THAT STARING AT ME. i'm going to go in the corner and cry now. sigh... nightmares tonight:*(

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Sahin, that looks exactly like the one I pulled from my 3 gallon when I first set it up. Except mine was greenish. It was the same length though. (Mine got split in half trying to remove it. whoopsie! :blush: )

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