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Bristle Worm Pics


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I couldn't sleep last night, so I decided to take a flashlight to the new tank & see what was going on. Man, it was Bristle Worm city! I counted three of the little guys - all seem to be around an inch long. Pretty cool.




Bristle Pic #1

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Thanks for posting the pics. I wish I had a camera to take pics of all the critters in my tank like you do! I saw a bristle worm in my tank only once, s/he was a big one and it was like 3 am. I was excited today to find two mini-bristle starfish, after I thought they had all disappeared. I guess one of the great things about reefs is the element of surprise- you never know what you're going to find!


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I am really glad you posted this post.

I was staring at the tank, as I am finding myself do more and more often


and my jaw dropped open


jutting out of a rock was this worm/centipede like creature and I had no idea what it was


I snapped a picture of it and if you don't mind I will post it here

is this a bristle worm?

and what is the maximum size this can grow to?


someone mentioned 2 feet?

that would be wild


thanks alot !!!!

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two feet?! dat's gross! :x i would've speared that sob already. i'd be afraid to stick my hand in the tank if i had a monster like that. wrapping itself around your arm, stabbing you with poison needles, and then going for your throat! (ROAR!)





next time you can put in a little food before the lights go out to get them clustered. ball o'bristle worms :x next time you're up at odd hours check the water column too, you might have some swimming nasties too. (pods and undulating worms! yummy!) ;)

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Howdy... I was just looking a minute ago and I saw all of the above and more.

I saw a bunch of tiny bristle worms on my glass....

a bunch of isopods/amphipods (one or the other) excavating some sand...

and keeping watch over them was a tiny crab (centimeter square...) he's got me worried... he's pretty much clear... but hairy... but at that size no matter what he is he probably won't do to much... i just have to worry about when he gets big.

I also found a stomatella snail.

By the way I'm celebrating my one week nano reef anniversary

:D :D :D YAY

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Originally posted by Fant

I need to get a picture of the 2 footer i have crawlin around my tank.

u talkin bout Smitty's bessie ?!? :D


half way extended



1" wide



full extent !


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Nope, mine isnt nearly that thick in diamter and i would bet its also a different species. I spent a good 2 weeks trying to capture it without harming it. I would prefer to have a species ID before i kill it. If i could ever capture it and proove its no good for my tank, then it will probably end up in a jar of ethynol and go on my dresser with the rest of my captured nasties.

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I am about to do a quick searc hon these bristle worms, but does anyone know if they are good or bad for your tank?


Is this something that I should be trying to remove from my tank?


Is smitty keeping that beast in the tank still, or has he built him his own nano reef just for the bristle worm?

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Smitty keeps him in his 90g with all the other critters and so far has posed no problems except for one time when a fish came into her nest ( as he says ).


I think there are only some type of bristle worms that can cause problems and the common pink ones arn't. Only attempt to take them out if u see problems with them attacking corals.

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Bristle worms are actually not that bad....

people make such big deal about them.....


hell, if you dont like em...catch, bag, and send them to me ;)


they are excellent sand sifters...people actually buy them for their tank...

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Hey is this a brisle worm?


I was looking at my tank last night and there was a orange hairy thing crawing out of a hole in my liverock. It was wormed shape and was about 1cm long. Thx

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Hey is this a bristle worm?


I was looking at my tank last night and there was a orange hairy thing crawing out of a hole in my liverock. It was wormed shape and was about 1cm long. Thx

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