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Innovative Marine Aquariums

20H with fuge. Sand bed depth and other Q's


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My plans have changed a bit since I last posted on the board.

My setup looks like this:

Display tank:

-20 gal. high.

-3- 75w VHO bulbs

-driven by 1 IceCap 660


-10 gal tank

-2- 36w 10,000k PC bulbs?? not sure

-Will gravity feed into the main tank


-10 gal tank

-Iwaki 30RLT return pump split between fuge and display

-Prism Skimmer for starters

My questions are as follows:

-What is a good substrate(brand and type) for the display tank and how deep should it be?

-What is a good substrate for the fuge in order to grow macro algea and also provide the right conditions for micro-fauna reproduction? (Kent Biosediment?)(Mud?)

-I would like to seed both SB's with LS, but how much in each bed and would I need to get the sand from different sources in order to increase bio-diversity?

-What are the proper flow rates for both the display and the refugium? Turn over rates?

-Where can I oreder macro algae for the fuge and what types are best, also when can this be added(before or after the cycle?)

-What are some good corals that can be kept in this size tank and lighting provided?

-I read about someone putting shrip in their fuge to assist in

planktonic food supply, is this a good idea, if so what type of shrip should be used. What are some other sources like this that can be introduced into the fuge?

-What would be some suggestions on fish that could be housed in this setup, I would like at least a goby(lawn mower maybe) and 2 clowns at least will this be possible? Could I kep anything else?

Sorry for the long post I still just have a lot of questions?

Thanks in advance,


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That's tooooo many questions for one post. And I have a headache and the type is all blurry.


Question # one........I used Southdown Playsand in both my 20 and it's fuge. Rinsed it well....it seems to be working great. I have aprox. 2" in tha main tank and 3" in the fuge.


Question # two.......see above.


#3.....seeding with LS is good but you don't have too. You can always seed from other tanks...it's not as if you can only do it once.


Advil here I come........

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Thanks liz for the help.

I think that I will go for about the same depths that you system

contains in both the sump and the fuge.

I have had a hard time finding southdown sand in my area, so

in order to find something like it, what size particles make up that sand, and are those depths enough to realize any denitrification?

Sorry for the long post. I did not start typing with the intention of creating such a long post, funny how that changed?

Thanks again,


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"Sugar sized." I don't know about denitrification, my tank seems to be stable at 0-0-0 and I don't even have the fuge hooked to the tank yet. ??? Something like the Aragamax Sugar-Sized Sand or the Aragamax Oolitic Select Sand

The only reason I have southdown is a guy who works for HD has it shipped here by the pallet and sells it out of his house.


Marine Depot http://www.marinedepot.com/a_cr_ss_caribse...sea.asp?CartId=


#4 ........I can only tell you what I have running. A Filstar XP1 canister filter w/ spraybar with only the sponge insert, and a Hagen 301 powerhead.


#5.......I can't tell you because the California Dept of Fish and Game will come get me. B) But I'll give you a hint (shhhh) check with other reefers in you area they'll have extra.


#6.......heck you got me on that one.


#7......I'd think you'd be able to kep almost anything. What do you want? research it and then decide.


#8.....I love my clowns. I have three, two percs and a clarkki. They came as a trio from another reefer on this board. It's amazing but they all get along. Again research what you want.

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i think you can order the macro from petwarehouse (docs smith and whatever).


you might like to try some gsp's and colts. you have a high tank and the configuration should let the rock pile high. you can have various colts grow like mini trees and the gsp like grass (i like the effect :blush: ). the gsp's should fluoresce nicely under vho actinics (maybe 2-50/50 and 1-actinic). plus they're both easy corals, weeds! :P


actually any greenish coral will look good imo.

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