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Coral Vue Hydros

The new one


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Howdy all,


Got a new tank (the last one has live rock, so it's about time for a new one, right?). I'll be building a custom stand (to replace the ugly black one that's on there), hood, and probably installing a little 70w halide or 2x32W pc retro or something (haven't decided yet).


It's 12 x 12 x 12 inches (~7g), all acrylic with rounded front corners. Haven't decided yet whether it's staying in my room or going to my gf's place.




Headed to Home Depot tomorrow, so expect updates.



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Nice mantis pic. I was thinking about doing that....I read the thread called "something bit me" and saw the awesome peacock mantis pictures there, too.


There was a great article awhile back about mantis and the physics of their crazy claws. They evidently use a hyperbolic parabaloid spring (unique in nature!) to get speeds of 14 to 23 meters per second, with peak accelerations ranging from 6,300 to 8,000 times that of gravity and a strike with more force than 100 times the shrimp's body weight. Here it is: http://www.berkeley.edu/news/media/release...21_shrimp.shtml

(worth reading)


Anyway, this tank is really like a poor man's nano-cube. I paid less than half the cost of a cube for it (granted, it had no lights, though most ppl rip the lights out of their cubes anyway). We'll see what winds up in it. Currently I have a 2x13W PC fixture (one actinic and one 10000K), but I'm thinking that isn't going to be enough light. Could zoos live under that? Zoos are all I really care about. =)



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Originally posted by uglybuckling

Zoos and  my girlfriend.  Who would never do that.  I'm not sure she even has any nail polish remover.  




are you sure she's female? i don't think i've ever heard of a girl that doesn't have nail polish remover. and finger nail files, curling iron, hair dryer, and most come equiped with that annoying nagging voice we all just love so much. i wonder how much it is to get that removed at the dealer? ???

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I say keep it at your GF's place. It is always a great excuse to go visit her! I have a 2.5g at my Gf's dorm. It looks better than my tank at this point, kinda sad once I think about it

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dude, did you get that off of ebay? I tried to buy a tank that looked exactly like that on ebay but somebody outbid me with like 1 minute left. I ended up finding a 16"x16"x16" (17.5 gallons) acrylic cube that I ended up outbidding somebody else at like 2 minutes left.

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EnFuego--Yep, that's probably me. Apologies for sniping it...but you know how the saying goes....all's fair in love and eBay. Incidentally, it said it came with a little light, but I never received the light. Let's see a pic of the 16x16x16" tank.


Others--I think my gf was hooked on reefing the second she saw a feather duster hitchhiker on the rock in the 20g tank. She also really likes zoos and clownfish. Hates bubble coral and anything aggressive.


I don't go to her place very often, so maybe it would make more sense for it to stay here. I dunno. I wanted to put a peacock mantis in there (thick acrylic walls and all), but she doesn't like them very well (too mean). Still....the research got me reading the grim reefers site, which rocks.


Anyhow, we'll see. The suggestions are appreciated. =)



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I don't think the brotha needs an excuse to go see his own gf. hahaha...if it was just a girl you were jocking, then maybe I'd agree...but gf? not necessary. good choice keeping it at your place.

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Okay, finished up building the parts. I'll be finishing the hood and base with mahogany stain at some point.




And the aquascaping...



It isn't a very good picture. The two pieces near the top are Indonesian rock that's absolutely full of holes (this pic was taken at a weird angle such that they don't show). It's got at least ten kinds of macro growing on it. Absolutely amazing stuff...don't even regret paying $10/lb for it. At a local fish store, no less.



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The deep crushed coral bed is so the mantis will have somewhere to dig or live. I'm not going to be keeping much coral in here, so I figure it doesn't really matter.



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