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Coral Vue Hydros

My new 15g reef...


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I just started a 15gal reef tank over the weekend, and since I got so much info from you folks, I decided to let you in on the progress.


Here are my soecs to date:


15gal high all glass

100W heater

20 lbs. live rock

~10 lbs. aragonite sand

20" 40W dual satelitte light w/ fan and LED moonlight

maxijet PH ...that will be placed in my soon to be delivered refugium


...no live stock as of yet...I'm letting it cycle as it wishes.


I have a couple pics that I will gladly share, if someone can explain to how to post them.

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Picture posting fiend...if I had any more pics right now...


...as of today there are a bunch of *pods scurrying all over, a little brownish algae growing on the glass and sand, and I think one button polyp.

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personally, i like how the rock looks, it will give you plenty of room for vertical growth :)


one thing that i always do for my tanks, but is really personal preference, is that i add a black backround (or in my case, spray paint).

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I need more than 20 lbs of rock for a 15 gallon tank? I was thinking about it just for the look of it...to make it taller...but I didn't think that the amount was "wrong".


Still in the planning stage...I was hoping to put a hawk fish in there, but I've read that you need to careful with them because they might eat all of your inverts and benthic species.


So ...still planning.

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The amount is correct...20lb should be sufficient for biological filtration purposes for 15g. But adding more could only benefit your tink even greater. But regardless, I like your set-up. More room for the fishies!

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I like the way you have the rock. What would look really sweet in that tank would be bangaii cardinals because they swim in the water column and would look great. Should be a great tank in a few months. I just started my 15g long a month ago. Next week I add my first corals 0_o I have some snails and hermits and a fire shrimp in there right now. Enjoy your reef.

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I think you should add some higher peaks or valleys on the left or right to offset the flat look you have....I like the tank just work it dude....



And go topoff...jeeezz..look at that evap ;)


good luck

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Thanks for the replies.


I have just installed my new refugium. Bought some (3) dwarf hermits. And added about 2 more pounds of LR to one side to make it a bit taller and asymmetrical.


Been running just over a week now and things look pretty good.


I'll post more pics soon.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Looks good!


Where are the pics?


How do you like your light? Is it bright enough but at the same time does it have that good blue/violet glow?



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  • 4 weeks later...

updates?? sorry i should have been more specific, i meant i though it would look cool if the rocks went a little higher, but i agree that it looks good so far

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  • 2 weeks later...


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