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unknown snail??? What in the world!!??


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I need help guys. I've been growing these snails lately. I have no clue what kind they are because they don't have a shell so I know it's not turbos or reg snails you buy at the LFS. All they have is a hump on their back. They look nasttttyyyyy too! I noticed it when it was very small...but the bad thing is that they grow fast. Faster than xenia..hee-hee. No...I mean....within two days....they look almost as big as my other snails. Anyone know of this type of snail? Is it bad to the reef environment?


For your information...I believe I got infested from a frag swap. Any information would be great. Thanks!







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Photos weren't working for me, but try searching here on the board for 'stamella' snail. I'm sure that it isn't spelled right, but you might get a hit on it regardlass. I'm pretty sure that is what you're refering to.

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They are Stomatella varia- harmless herbivorous snails that reproduce well in aquaria. If you don't like them, I'm sure you could find people that want some. Enjoy!

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