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Cultivated Reef

My 30 gallon @ 3 months.


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nice aquascaping! get some epoxy and start sticking all those frags on your sand bed onto the rocks!!


i also like all those monti caps you got + that huge brain thing on the bottom... favia?

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Dr. Saltwater



that huge brain thing is a Brain worm coral (Platygyra-sp). It's no Favia-sp because the polyps of the last mentioned are smaller in length and rounder.

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thanks for the comments...man does my camera suck...makes my tank look crappy. Either way, i'm selling the two monti. cap colonys, the birdnest, and the slimer at the top, and the brain, along with a tri color acro and purple monster to a friend of mine. I've already fragged all of them so i'll have alot of more room. Once I deliver them this weekend then those in the sand will get moved up.

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which one? I just have a snowflake eel in there right now. I'm upgrading to my 90 gallon next week and i'll be getting some awesome fish after that.

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tank is like a standard 29..dont remember the dimensions just a lil wider. Here are the specs:


30gallon AGA Tank

AC500 modded for FUGE w/caluerpa and chaeto w/ LR and LS

SeaCrap(oops mean Seaclone)100 skimmer

65-70lbs. LR tonga/fiji

60 lbs. CaribSea Indo arag/Taihian Moon Calcite sand

30 different Corals

Acros/LPS/Zoo/shrooms/plate fungi/etc.

3 Maxima Clams (blue,teardrop,tiger)

13" SnowFlake Eel, 6-7" Serpent Star

250w SE Coralvue 10k off Icecap E-ballast

250w DE XDE 20k off Coralvue E-ballast in ROIII pendant


i'm upgrading to a 90 next week. Possible selling the Icecap setup and getting the new Coralvue 400wDE setup.

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