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Coral Vue Hydros

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Hey, I'm in the same boat!!! I'm 16 and I saved up all last year and worked for my grandparents over the summer... Got a bit over a grand and put together on hell of a setup. 20L w/ 250w 20K XDE over it. Got everything setup and cycled... Looks beautiful and the coraline is lovin' my light... Only prob. is I'm waiting for X-Mas to buy my SPS... :( I think I've managed to guilt my Dad into buying me this beautiful frag that drmaccorals.com has. (Not telling which one! ;) ). Good luck in your quest!



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Guys, just a word of advice. Patience in this hobby is a virtue. Don't rush into buying those fancy SPS after only a year. I'd suggest working your way up. If you don't, you'll probably end up experiencing what I have been experiencing, that you start losing corals after you spent your hard earned money or your parent's hard earned money on that beaut. Don't mean to dump cold water on you, but its the truth. I know I'm not the only one who has had this happen.

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I think I've managed to guilt my Dad into buying me this beautiful frag that drmaccorals.com has. (Not telling which one!  ).

Too late. I already bought it. B)

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Sure ya did. ;) Nah, it's the L-4 in his Bali Coral Frags. I actually want one of his red and yellow scrolling turbinas. USC is my college team... Gotta have something w/ their colors and no chance going for a gorgonian w/ the lighting I have.


And clsund, this isn't my first SW tank or reef. Had a 29gal in TX, but we had to move here to CA... There was no practical way to move the tank, so that's why I have a new system. Tank's been up and cycled since about August... I do know not to rush into things since I too did that when I started.

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Kogut, I'm glad this isn't your first tank, but having a tank cycled for only 4 months means that the tank hasn't sufficiently stabilized and anything will knock it out of equilibrium, if it even has reached equilibrium yet. I don't want to get preachy so I'll leave it at that, but I not sure your tanks are ready for SPS, especially if you want them to thrive.

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  • 2 weeks later...

hah im 16 and need frags to, I started small, finger leather coral, I just got some zoa's my tank was cycled and running 8 months before I put any coral in it, I also have what I think is sun coral polyps which I got for 2 bux on a shell, 2 bux!, thats what you need to look for proreefer, if you want to pay for shipping all the way from jerzy over here Il give you a tiny finger leather frag, mines growing like a... well fast, um dont everyone ask me for a frag now, hes the one begging and im in the same boat as him

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Yeah, I totally agree w/ you clsund. I don't have any money to add to the tank, anyways. I'm getting a couple hundred for X-Mas and I'm just going to save it up and put things in the tank little by little. I'm going to start w/ a pair of black clowns. I'm sure that will throw the system through its paces for a while. Having a fuge on the back is a major help and the skimmer helps, too. I had the discussion with my dad today about how I'm going to get all the money at once, but it's going to just sit there... Oh well. That's life! This way I can cherry pick the specifics I want. ;)

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Well, being 16 I can account to this... but one bit of advice: Start a maintenance business! I got my incorporation a while back and its fun! You get paid... to buy frags!

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i dunno man...i think that tip of yours should've remained as a secret cuz if everyone and their mamas start a maintenance business, that just means you get a smaller share of the pie...=)

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