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I am a 17 year old kid in need of money! I have no more to go on. I have a ten gallon tank with 17 lb fiji lr. and 20 lb ls. I have some good lighting 250 watt 20,000k xm bulb with 2 03 blue 6500k actnic bulbs. anyway, I have no more money to move on, and I was wondering if anyone would be kind enough to ship me some frags that they dont need or just want to donate. I live in utah. If there are any questions just give me a call at 435-619-2430. Ask fo Josh!

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First off, a 250 watt halide can produce almost twice as many lumens than a 175 watt bulb allowing for some of the rarer sps that reqiure a higher lumen output to survive. Their photosynthetic pigments are only triggered into action by this output. If he needs money he has the perfect light set-up because with the proper calcium additions and regular water changes he can propagate some really cool sps. AND, you CAN use even a 400 watt halide over the tank without cooking anything so long as you have a fan or two on it.

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Originally posted by ProReefer

I am a 17 year old kid in need of money! I have no more to go on. I have a ten gallon tank with 17 lb fiji lr. and 20 lb ls. I have some good lighting 250 watt 20,000k xm bulb with 2 03 blue 6500k actnic bulbs. anyway, I have no more money to move on, and I was wondering if anyone would be kind enough to ship me some frags that they dont need or just want to donate. I live in utah. If there are any questions just give me a call at 435-619-2430. Ask fo Josh!



Shipping is expensive. Your the amount your gonna pay you could buy some frags localy.

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You could get a job.. You're old enough. Ive been working at the same job (LFS) since i was 14 (18 now). Try to get one at your LFS. Im sure you have enough knowledge in SW to do it, thats all most employers care about, because they assume if you know about SW , you know about FW too.

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B16 . i was thinking same thing. geez i would love a metal halide :) lol 17 yrs old. work at mchdonalds. mow the grasss :) now if you were 14yr old gurl, thats different lol

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wait for christmas and get money from family or ask for gift cert. from online retailers and then buy a sps pack so you get some use out of those lights.


where did you get the money for a killer lighting setup like that at your age?

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Originally posted by ProReefer

I Volunteer at the hospital and that takes all my time! I am trying to get a scholorship to med school!


Gotta go to college before going to med school. high school volunteering doesn't really factor into med school applications, and have nothing to do w/ med school scholarships. It does help somewhat getting into college...but if you're already set for college, just get a job and ditch the volunteering...it's really overrated. haha. just my 2 cents.

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tigah! ! lol yeah college comes first! heh, unless your planing to go to come third world med school!hhehe yeah i dont even have a metal halid! why dont you give me yoru metal halide and ill give you some frags. :)

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Any one have any spare halide set ups they would like to donate to me? Or perhaps some acropora frags in the 5 inch range?


Get a Job and ditch the HP crap.

If your shooting for a scholar ship then up your grades in high school and tell your guidance councelor to hook you up.

But ya have to major in the medical field in "college" before you go for your 8 years or 4 years in med school. Unless you go to mexico. Then you can go to med school wtraight ou tof highschool.

Not recommended though.

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Supernip got her blindfolded and Alin is not. whos that ugly chick?Is that your dream girl? And for Proreefer i'll give you couple frags and a 70w MH DE set up for your 250w MH.

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volunteering does the better part of nothing.. when i was in high school in VT i worked for howard dean as a local correspondent in my county for nothing hoping it'd score me some street cred when i got into college, it didn't do a damn thing even though he was nearly in the presidential race. the hospital volunteer gig might make you feel warm and fuzzy but a wad cash in my pocket soon to get turned into frags sure makes me feel a whole lot warmer and hella fuzzy.

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